1. I am not pleased !!!!!

    Hello there,Molten I mean Warmane members, I want to tell the negativity of this MERGE, I lost all my hard farmed Transmogrification items,items I spent vote points on,and etc, They were under 200 ilevel I think , sets and etc, I am not pleased , How can you delete our lower level items,This is not good for anyone,I have so many sets and PvE items i spent conquest and etc,Can we sort the things out,I mean the statement was
    (We will remove anyitem you don't deem nessesary) I had 3 pieces of PvE set Resto druid healer,I had full pvp feral gear as an off spec and etc,Now I have some 378 items in my bag that were bought maybe from the creation of this character and are not even for any of my spec ? I don't know if the item genetrator is working properly but I have a BIG BIG BIG time loss,of all my time farming gear and trasnmog and spending Vote points on gear that vanished,I am not pleased at all,I don't want proffessions and stuff but Hardly farmed Conquest Gear when we take on mind the lower population on Warsong and just threw it away , I request a solution if not on the PvP,or PvE items that will be an advantage,atleast for our lower level trasnmog sets and etc,

  2. that kinda sux if they removed items that u bought with vote points

  3. Unfortunately, that's the way it is, and you can't really do anything about it. The limitations for the merge were clearly stated in the announcement thread that you can access from the main Warmane page. You should've been careful as you only keep equipped items and items from your main backpack. After all, it's better than nothing - I remember when we were allowed to merge to Deathwing during the Wotlk to Cata Warsong upgrade, and we couldn't even keep professions or any items from the bags.

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