1. You can have damn mop gear
    You will literally one shot every one of them and even one shot Warmane character database server itself....

  2. How to put it. Hordes can que premades up to 15m without having a single issue. On alliance, we haven't done AV enabler for over a year and if we get AV as 5m vs that 15m, can't say it will go smooth. Even if human race has it's racial (which makes pvpers mostly be on alliance) does it look like it changes the situation a lot? So because of these things, people that want to do bg's all day long play on horde, que time is low and can que up 15m premades.

    It went to 19mins there, but this is just a small example of what kind of a que you face as an alliance player. Then you get a que and you face premade in bg and manage to lose it.
    Edited: October 16, 2016

  3. ^^

    Besides the fact that human race is incredibly broken for PvP, the queue time is a must since you're so over populated and filled with PvP'ers. The premade groups can also be found on the alliance site so thats no excuse. The queue time actually makes lowbies go away, if you joined the BGs on horde side if you have more than 4k GS you're probably the highest GS on the BG.

    Not only that but I find it hard to believe that you alliance people actually face that many problems, from the dozens and dozens of BG's I've been into I've won a handful of them, makes me saturated to farm even 1-2 pieces of wrathful since I get 1-2k honor a game at most.

  4. Besides the fact that human race is incredibly broken for PvP
    horde racials were broken during vanilla and TBC
    wotlk human racial just trades resilence for additional damage - you can not even compare that to anti-CC horde racials in previous patches
    stop crying over it

    every time i solo que on alliance i see picture like this:

    million shadowmorne heroes carried by swarm of healers
    and actually i can not remember when i've met horde pug last time

  5. Kay, Here a aly donor premade of 4-5 smourne max rating 1.6 KeK - got rekt by randoms, wp
    Edited: October 16, 2016

  6. nice bis randoms

    max rating 1.6 KeK
    barks about opponent's low rating
    > hides nickname
    > clicks banish
    > clicks pets
    > clicks soul link

    crawl back to your cave
    Edited: October 16, 2016

  7. yea, no.

    What's worse is that wrathful gear/resilience gear can only be bought with honor and for that you must play battlegrounds. I win maybe 1 BG every 10 so I'll need to lose ~30-35 times per piece of gear.
    Go to goddamn wintergrasp, do the weekly quests, buy the pvp gear. Possibly even run VoA, im sure you get in a group at some point. Farm eternals and buy 264's off the AH.

    There are literally more pocket healing premades being run on horde, yet here you are crying.

  8. Patch 4.0.1 (12-Oct-2010): Changed from daily to weekly format the quests
    Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): No longer resets every five days and becomes daily again

    This is the problem. They are not weeklies. They should be DAILIES. Someone had a thread about it.

  9. Patch 4.0.1 (12-Oct-2010): Changed from daily to weekly format the quests
    Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): No longer resets every five days and becomes daily again

    This is the problem. They are not weeklies. They should be DAILIES. Someone had a thread about it.
    I could def see WG quests being daily as a huge boon to fresh 80's. I farmed WG till 4k GS on all my toons at the current weekly reset rates, daily resets would have definitely encouraged me to stay there more pvp gearing up rather then queuing for BG's at 3-4k gs for honor.

  10. I've played on both factions, in vanilla tbc and wotlk bgs on daily basis
    You win some, lose some
    Wanna win? Get skill and brains and play properly, simple
    Dig it, battlegrounds are not supposed to be balanced anyways

  11. Go to goddamn wintergrasp, do the weekly quests, buy the pvp gear. Possibly even run VoA, im sure you get in a group at some point. Farm eternals and buy 264's off the AH.

    There are literally more pocket healing premades being run on horde, yet here you are crying.
    Wintergrasp quests are impossible, forces me to kill ally's in certain spots of the map where no1 visits, ever.

  12. nice bis randoms

    barks about opponent's low rating
    > hides nickname
    > clicks banish
    > clicks pets
    > clicks soul link

    crawl back to your cave
    "bis randoms" wtf only 3 ppl were like bis
    funny.. i click nothing there is other bar with pet summs + soullink macro, focus banish but i sometimes click soul link because I don't have problem with that .. "barks about opponent's low rating" bis - 1.6 rating is sad, cyaa ;)))
    Edited: October 16, 2016

  13. Wintergrasp quests are impossible, forces me to kill ally's in certain spots of the map where no1 visits, ever.
    Pretty much the only WG quest I can't complete is destroy XYZ tower, so not sure what you're on about. Join WG, tag enemy players, turn in player kill quest. It's not rocket science buddy.

  14. I do bgs with chars on alliance and horde side exclusively with solo queue and the only difference I see is that horde has barely any queue time. On both sides sometimes you have the stacked team and sometimes the other side does. But honestly even if horde is losing a bit more I prefer the short queue time.

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