1. @ Mercy - once again u bring examples that don't really have anything to do with ppl whining about dual hc trink Smourne full bis armswarrs.
    Again, you inserted yourself into the conversation. Just because you want the conversation to take a certain direction doesn't make it so. Also, continuing to whine about Shadowmourne Warriors only tells the bulk of the people here exactly what sort of person you are. There's not even a point of reading past your first line. If you want to keep attacking me, at least do me the favor of trying not to make irrelevant arguments about things I haven't even commented on. Thanks!
    naked hunter can kill smourne ret or more likely make it infinite stalemate if they are pro enough and get to open up at max range so there's that. can't get out of that ~20 yard dead zone.

    Warr wont do much better
    Indeed. But instead, we have people who don't even know what these deadzones are, and would much rather whine about a Warrior having Shadowmourne because they don't know how to counter the class. "Omg this thing Blizzard put in the game is so OP!!! Screw Warmane, it's their fault!!!"
    Seriously, I get tired of this.

  2. Doing Arena the past 3 days on my dk, i laugh hard at these warriors lol, infact i have out DMG'ed everysingle one and **** my dk aint even bis.

  3. ^that sounds nice, whats your MMR? 1.4?

  4. idea is realy cool, but will never be implemented on warmane cause " not blizzliek"
    Perhaps so.. But even though its not "blizzlike" its a good feature that I would even like to see on retail.
    Donor shop isnt exactly blizz like either but thats another story.
    Being almost blizzlike does however not mean there is no room for any improvement.

    Fully knowing that 3.3.5 will always be 3.3.5 and not patched any further,such suggestion is a long term solution to balance pvp and make it fun for everyone in the long run.

  5. Just curious, why is it that BGs are seen as serious pvp on here? For years on retail bgs have been the grind you have to go through to actually start doing real pvp - i.e arenas. And no one really cares about them, they are a place to get geared and thats basicely it, no one would ever complain about low geared people in wod or mop (cant even remember it in late cata).

    Yet on here people treat it as something important and sort of as the pvp endgame, you have big pvp geared people with 0 rating running bgs all the time - why? Why is it so different.

  6. Just curious, why is it that BGs are seen as serious pvp on here? For years on retail bgs have been the grind you have to go through to actually start doing real pvp - i.e arenas. And no one really cares about them, they are a place to get geared and thats basicely it, no one would ever complain about low geared people in wod or mop (cant even remember it in late cata).

    Yet on here people treat it as something important and sort of as the pvp endgame, you have big pvp geared people with 0 rating running bgs all the time - why? Why is it so different.
    Bgs can't be serious pvp ? Who lied to you ? I take it you never played an AV battle that lasted for a really long time because both teams were equal and nobody could cap towers or mines or kill mini. All people could try to do is pvp in the middle but guess what, that was pretty impossible because almost nobody would die. The game lasted a long time and it ended with 1 - 0 for alliance. You want to tell me that was not serious ? So far i have been in 4 bgs like that and guess what, nobody had bad gear. Can you do that now with more than half your team having 3k gs ? OFC not.

    As for arenas, what makes them so "real pvp" to you ? The hacking ? The scripts ? Pretty much all top arena teams hack and script so where's the "real pvp" there ? 3v3 and 5v5 are pretty much dead.

    So again, tell me, the example i gave, do you think that was not serious pvp ?

  7. Just curious, why is it that BGs are seen as serious pvp on here? For years on retail bgs have been the grind you have to go through to actually start doing real pvp - i.e arenas. And no one really cares about them, they are a place to get geared and thats basicely it, no one would ever complain about low geared people in wod or mop (cant even remember it in late cata).

    Yet on here people treat it as something important and sort of as the pvp endgame, you have big pvp geared people with 0 rating running bgs all the time - why? Why is it so different.
    The fact that nobody takes any sort of PvP around here seriously is the problem. What kind of PvP isn't a concern. If you queue into a random heroic dungeon, do you go afk because it's not "serious" and "no big deal"? Do you not try to perform to the best of your ability? If not, then why not? Same applies to any sort of PvP content. If you are slacking off in a battleground, why?

  8. I have related-unrelated question. I can't seem to get straight answer anywhere.

    Can I collect my 15 guildee premade and join AB or EOS? Some people mumble something about some "addon" or something, It is really not clear. Also I remember something about this, we did 15 shaman premade back in TBC with BL fun, but I'm not sure how or what and if even it was BG... dammn it was too long ago.

    I'm not talking about RBG 5man "premades", but specific BG in full raid.

  9. Bgs can't be serious pvp ? Who lied to you ? I take it you never played an AV battle that lasted for a really long time because both teams were equal and nobody could cap towers or mines or kill mini. All people could try to do is pvp in the middle but guess what, that was pretty impossible because almost nobody would die. The game lasted a long time and it ended with 1 - 0 for alliance. You want to tell me that was not serious ? So far i have been in 4 bgs like that and guess what, nobody had bad gear. Can you do that now with more than half your team having 3k gs ? OFC not.

    As for arenas, what makes them so "real pvp" to you ? The hacking ? The scripts ? Pretty much all top arena teams hack and script so where's the "real pvp" there ? 3v3 and 5v5 are pretty much dead.

    So again, tell me, the example i gave, do you think that was not serious pvp ?
    Im not saying bgs cant be serious pvp, look at the rated bg scene in cata and early MOP, but random bgs as such have never been "serious" pvp since arenas came out, in a random BG 99% is decided by gear, sure the 1% can be great but they happen very rarely. And even then, without rating, there is no real downside up upside to winning or losing a BG bar honour gain - which once geared and reasonably rich is sort of irrelevant.

    In arenas skill is what matters, not what gear or class people are, or how much healers one side has. Hence it being the serious side of pvp since forever. When was the last time there was a bg or rbg tournament?

    And then there is this weird bg culture here, where while people take bgs seriously they totally suck at them, which confuses me a bit. Eots and arathi in particular, people are endlessly going for 4 and 5 caps. No one calling incs or defending properly. This has the almost comical side effect of 60% of a team riding around the bg in circles capping base after base (which get recapped 5 seconds after they are gone, cause no one stays) while 60% of the enemy team does the same thing, just a few bases behind so that the 2 teams almost never meet.

  10. The fact that nobody takes any sort of PvP around here seriously is the problem. What kind of PvP isn't a concern. If you queue into a random heroic dungeon, do you go afk because it's not "serious" and "no big deal"? Do you not try to perform to the best of your ability? If not, then why not? Same applies to any sort of PvP content. If you are slacking off in a battleground, why?
    Just answering the last part, not that i do that very often, but if the BG is like 99% of kills in one sides favor, 5 bases are capped or the flag is 1/3 and the GY is getting camped then usually it does just prolong the suffering to do something.

    And then theres the 2k GS pov where you are so utterly useless that you trying almost makes no difference, so people just afk it on one screen while watching a movie/tv show on the other monitor while periodically suiciding to not get kicked. Its not pretty but it is partly why bgs are the "casual" side of pvp.

  11. Im not saying bgs cant be serious pvp, look at the rated bg scene in cata and early MOP, but random bgs as such have never been "serious" pvp since arenas came out, in a random BG 99% is decided by gear, sure the 1% can be great but they happen very rarely. And even then, without rating, there is no real downside up upside to winning or losing a BG bar honour gain - which once geared and reasonably rich is sort of irrelevant.

    In arenas skill is what matters, not what gear or class people are, or how much healers one side has. Hence it being the serious side of pvp since forever. When was the last time there was a bg or rbg tournament?

    And then there is this weird bg culture here, where while people take bgs seriously they totally suck at them, which confuses me a bit. Eots and arathi in particular, people are endlessly going for 4 and 5 caps. No one calling incs or defending properly. This has the almost comical side effect of 60% of a team riding around the bg in circles capping base after base (which get recapped 5 seconds after they are gone, cause no one stays) while 60% of the enemy team does the same thing, just a few bases behind so that the 2 teams almost never meet.
    "random bgs as such have never been "serious" pvp" ... i just gave you an example of random bg. It happened here on warmane (well, most happened on old molten lord server but i did get into one fight that was close to that experience on deathwing).

    "the 1% can be great but they happen very rarely" ... that's because most people join bgs with bad gear.

    "In arenas skill is what matters" ... =)) =)) =)) =)) . You are so funny. Almost all top teams hack and script. Don't give me this "arenas need skill" stuff. Up til about 2k gs you can just charge bladestorm. Such skill, much wow.

    As for bgs, give me a break man. As i said, in bgs, a lot of people join with less than decent gear. One hit and they die.


    "and the GY is getting camped then usually it does just prolong the suffering to do something" ... there you go, you are part of the problem. Not too long ago, me on my hunter and another hunter managed to cap all towers while alliance was farmed at base. All we needed to do to win was kill the mini boss. I spammed the bg chat for a long time and guess what, nobody came until the very end when it was too late.

    So don't give me this "bgs are not serious pvp" thing just because when things get a little harder, you prefer to sit and afk instead of actually trying. I pulled many bgs from 100 - 500 to win with random people who were actually playing not waiting for the bg to end.

    Btw, if arenas are so important for you, why don't you do 3v3 or even better, 5v5 ? Let me guess, 2v2 = true skillz right ?

  12. Maybe we have a different deffinition of "serious". A good bg still isnt serious pvp, mostly because what matters is that the right classes with gear press 1234 in the right order are at the right place at the same time. All the stuff that actually differentiates good players from bad ones is missing in random bgs, a good bg player is geared, not afk and doing objectives of which being geared and being the right class is the most important part - and thats mostly what is required.

    Stuff you see/saw in rated bgs from when they came out just isnt there, there are no real cc chains on healers (instead the strat is usually, nuke the healer first), properly good personal performance just isnt given nor is it important. Sapping out of a fear for example just isnt done because people just spam aoe to top meters.

    There isnt even basic stuff happening, the times i saw a group actually position properly, keep 3 bases and just respond to incs being called out by defenders instead of going to HCS is 0. I havnt seen one single proper BG battle. I have seen epic come backs, wins on 1 point and so on but those were still as badly excecuted as most stuff is.

    Thats why i think (and for the past 3-4 expansions most wow players agree), that random bgs arent serious pvp. That (you think that) arenas are infested with cheaters may be a problem, something which could be dealth with but it still doesnt really mean that bgs suddenly overtake arenas as the most important venue of pvp.

    Bgs are first and foremost a place to get honour.

  13. bg can be skillwise only in premade vs premade during warsong gulch or arathi basin

    pug games are never about skill for obvious reasons

  14. @Marcuus
    Doesnt matter how hard you try, you ll oom and at nowhere of my post I said full PvP gear is insta omg glad best pvp ers. Using seal of wisdom is wise thing at later levels yet cause you are not using light your heals even get more crappier. BoW/Food/Flask might help a little longer but in the end they still wont save your mana and when you activate plea you are literally going into no heal mode at that gear, mana potions are good yet you cant spam them 1 min cd, even that wont save your mana. Accept the fact, your heals nowhere good and dont last any long to be effective at 2k gs which means your team doesnt even need you.

  15. What about 2s games where you play as 5kgs and you win bis? thats no skill - : qqqq ?

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