1. Golden Bow of Quel Thalas

    Why that item isnt available in store on Frostwolf for points.
    Sunwel Plateau doesnt work.

  2. Theres an option at the bottom of the store that says "Item not in store? Let us know", so enter it in there, i will too, and hopefully some others who see this will do it as well :)

  3. Is it just me or is there like NO items in the point store under lvl 80, and if so...why is this?

  4. Yes, there are no items in store below level 80, I believe because they don´t want us to use marketplace for transmog ( yeah, because like every low lvl instance is open,right ?) but only for ppl that want the items to gear up. No other logical explanation for this.

  5. Yes, there are no items in store below level 80, I believe because they don´t want us to use marketplace for transmog ( yeah, because like every low lvl instance is open,right ?) but only for ppl that want the items to gear up. No other logical explanation for this.
    On the contrary, there are a FEW items on Vote Shop that are below lvl 80.

    As for the bow itself, it wasn't even a drop even during the Sunwell Boss farming event that took place on Frostwolf. It wasn't just Brutallus that spawned there.

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