1. So what do you guys think about the new endgame raid VOA10? Pretty hard, can challenge even 6k geared people i like it thank you warmane

  2. So I haven't gotten a chance yet to play out the new DBS fight but he essentially sounds like a monstrously fed Darius. That should be fun!

  3. So I haven't gotten a chance yet to play out the new DBS fight but he essentially sounds like a monstrously fed Darius. That should be fun!
    Its fun if its a Grun but if its a PUG, A complete fcking nightmare.

  4. So what do you guys think about the new endgame raid VOA10? Pretty hard, can challenge even 6k geared people i like it thank you warmane
    Btw true... The day before pulled these minors with my mage, and got one-shotted -.- Guess will use a little cc next time... They are a little more challenging now, still we'll do it :d

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