1. Im doing bad dps

    I got 4.7gs and I rarely do 5k+ dps. Usually ~4 with flasks, all buffs, etc. I want to improve and I'm not sure how. I think I have the right ability priority BT > WW with HS in between, mainly, ofc using slam when proc. And popping my cds when hero is up.

    my gear http://armory.warmane.com/character/...daeron/summary

    Should I regem arp? Tho I cant get an arp trinket like mjolnir or the other one. 35% atm. 27exp, 235 hit, 39% crit in bers with t9 bonus.

    should I buy the rest of the t9?
    Edited: November 25, 2016

  2. you stats wrong in so many ways. use 3% hit from talents and 5% from gear, don't focus on expertise too much right now, hold it around 20. Focus on arp and crit, your crit is very low, consider leather agility items with arp.

  3. My exp is high cuz of the 2 ony weps. I dont particularly build for it.

    any arp gear suggestions for gloves, belt, legs?

    hmm now I understand why wars use those agi polearms for the arp
    Edited: November 25, 2016

  4. contact me in game SENELIS ill tell you what should be done

  5. Ony weps are bad for us, just because of expertise. Cap on exp is 22 i think.. Just build armor pen as much as you can, and dont think on that mjlonir trinket, it's not great at all for wariors, i did a few tests and i know what im talking about.

  6. Im missing my auto attacks when I get 9% hit from gear, why is that?

  7. Im missing my auto attacks when I get 9% hit from gear, why is that?
    when you dual wield you need 27% hit to not miss a single auto attack which is not worth going for

  8. Ony weps are bad for us, just because of expertise. Cap on exp is 22 i think.. Just build armor pen as much as you can, and dont think on that mjlonir trinket, it's not great at all for wariors, i did a few tests and i know what im talking about.
    uhm no?

    @With current g ear available dont focus too much on arp

    basic stat you should get is hit (5% from gear are enough + talent) and expertise cap.

    Then currently on Lordaeron

    crit>arp>haste as stats

    and when you get your exp+ hit cap always go for full strength dont ever gem arp with current gear on Lord atm as fury warr. (yes i have some too but its because of arenas :^).

    1.) use some addon to track your trinket cooldowns (never use deathwish randomly without hero/proccs)
    2.) Its not always the rota but next raid focus more on your positioning so you position yourself correctly and reduce the time to move away from stuff where you cant hit boss or swtiching to a minimum.
    3.) always keep 5 stack of sunder on the boss if no protwarr or other warr does in raid.
    4.) remove engineer and mining for bs/jc engineerr for fury warr isnt worth before ICC bis gear and mining doesnt give you any benefit
    5.) warr dps on Lordaeron isnt that great currently since toc it got a huge boost in damage especially on cleave fights : jaraxus, twins, anub its good but singletarget like beasts its not that great

    Edited: December 12, 2016

  9. err... why you dig this out? Beside, I'm pretty sure you don't need to change stance to use sunder armor and fury need to use sunder armor regardless of his/her own arp.

  10. Also macro heroic strike into all your abilities.
    the fact that he is on lordaeron is enough to deduce that he can not HS spam, biggest mistake I've seen with many furys is rage starving themselves with HS.

    with your current gear don't HS if you're at less than 45 rage, you risk adding some downtime to your valuable BT/WW.

  11. 165+ hit and 26 expertise is a MUST. It doesnt matter if u are raiding naxx or icc.
    Never macro HS in any of ur spells. NEVER. Especialy if u are not BIS.
    I dont know if some of u are blind or cant read but SUNDER ARMOR CAN BE USED IN ANY OF 3 STANCES. U can use it in Berserking stance. U can use it in Battle stance. U can use it in Defencive Stance.

    Now when it comes to ur DPS u cant do much as fury. Rotation is simple:
    BT > WW > 1sec > BT > 1.5sec (1 GCD) > 1sec > BT > WW > 1sec > BT > 1.5sec (1 GCD) > 1sec > repeat...
    If u get instant Slam proc u should use it in both "1sec" and "1.5sec" part of the rotation.
    Sunder Armor > Commanding Shout > Demo Shout should be used in the "1.5sec" part of rotation if u dont have the instant Slam proc.
    If u do this, ur DPS will be maxed out (depending on what gear u have).
    HS, as trm90 said alrdy, should not be used if u have less than 45 rage, especialy before the: "BT > WW" part of the rotation.
    Again, cap hit, expertise, master rotation, READ those spells, and wait for better gear to do more DPS.

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