1. July 7, 2016  

    Would people be interested in Roleplay on Icecrown? (Alliance/Horde) Icecrown

    Hey good morning gents, I was wondering if the sleeping RP community would even be a thing on Icecrown? If not maybe we could create one :)? I play on the Alliance, but if RP was to grow I could play both or even focus on one of the other factions, anyhow I just wanted to see if people would do it? I've been playing world of warcraft since the release in the States in 2004, I read the books, and played alot of the RTS, so the RPG/RP has been a huge part of my childhood growing up. Anyways, leave a comment if you have anything to say about the RP. Maybe we can get something going!

  2. Matter of fact, I would be! You can hit me up in game on Alliance. Character's name is Perroy. (And yes, just to confirm, I am on Icecrown.)

    I've been RPing for about nine or ten years and WoW was probably the first actual time I experienced RP and I've been keen on getting back into it. I just recently started playing Warmane, so I'm not too invested in my character and I have no qualms with switching to Horde to staying on Alliance.

  3. Awesome man, I wonder if we can get more people, i've been there since Vanilla and its just an awesome thing to pass the time with, I added you. Im from the US but I play super late because of my job.

  4. I'll be on sporadically today, so hopefully we'll run into each other and we can talk more then. What's your character name, so I can try to catch you?
    Edited: July 10, 2016

  5. Hi, idk if the people in this thread are still active

    New player here, played on cata a bit before but Its going to be my first time roleplaying in WoW (I've roleplayed outside before both rp and erp). I've just started playing on Icecrown. I'm starting as a Draenei Shaman. Add me : Lyeana

    See you guys in game :)

  6. interested, name ingame is synr and im ally.

  7. hey guys, i'm interested! usually i play horde, but I'm interested in RP (newcomer here) so i'd be into playing ally as well. ingame name is Zalaruse for horde, Lainnas for ally

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