1. Cant seem to understand.

    I cant seem to understand why MB is allowed. I get it was on retail but thats 5+ accounts needing to pay a monthly service fee as well as buying the game. Here on a private server its a lot easier simply because its free to do so and because of that we are seeing 10 shamys with a few druids to heal. making it impossible to beat. Dont come at me with this well your team needs to coordinate better to beat bs. We all know that wont ever happen. Because this is allowed Wintergrasp is unbalanced. It needs to be looked into before it get more out of hand. I just fear that one day it will sink towards being a too popular thing to do completely ruining the server and making ques longer. Unless you have something legit to add to this topic whether it be against MB or for it and explain it in a way to change my current perspective of MB dont bother typing. Dont look at this as a complaint. Just want discussion.

  2. This thread again. It's been discussed to death, over and over and over again over the course of the years. Feel free to use the search function and find very similar threads in this subforum and read up. We can start from there.

  3. This topic of discussion isn't permitted in this forum section. This is a sanctuary for those players - we don't need a thread that would give other players a reason to come in here and bash on them.

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