1. Archive of Addons for Arena and PvP

    Hello everyone. Quite some time ago I compiled together all of my favorite addons that I like to use in arena. I was constantly switching around on different computers and operating systems so I found it useful to have a place online that I could grab them from.


    My goal was to explain why and how the addons I have in this list are used. It's nice to have a list of addons but it's even better to have a bit of explanation as to what each addons usefulness is and how they can be combined together to be even more effective.


    The main file contains all the addons except for Sound Alerter. The other links are there to indicate how to find uncommon addons by showing you examples of going through a repository via the date. Also if you have interest in finding PvE addons then it can be useful for that as well.

    I'm open to suggestions but I've found that I can play arena and battlegrounds without feeling like I'm lacking anything so I've stuck the ones mentioned above.
    Edited: December 22, 2016

  2. Could you post a picture of your UI? Just interested to see what it looks like

  3. Silk died so I am moving the website over to another domain.

    Here is a picture of my UI: http://i.cubeupload.com/4R0XBX.png

    Edited: November 14, 2017

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