1. You're forgetting the massive sleigh of other events that have exclusive rewards. Some of them really rare and valuable. Some of them are pretty fun and you can get some special, rare things that you otherwise wouldn't be able to get at all. Ranging from Murloc Costume to the absolute most limited and rarest things in-game such as Magic Rooster and et cetera. The schedule is here.

  2. Snowman event messing up everyday in a new way.


    I will not stretch the things about snowman spam farm which happened in last days, but i will talk in one sentence about snowman emblems drops being over nerfed that its not worth farming it anymore, 4 emblems from 1 hour farm ?

    So went along with that nerf as well, but now why are snowmen added randomly to all the northrend maps ? they are one shotting everyone around them and levelling is annoying as hell because of random deaths and snowmens near some npc even. Please i will not request increasing drop rate of emblem as its all your decision according to your calculations and neither im lazy to farm emblems in raid. But can you please re consider and remove snowmen from all levelling zones ? or make them not attack everyone around them but attack only what attacks them. Means can you please make them on defensive mode rather than aggressive mode because those zones are not only event zones but levelling zones as well and there is no point when they are one shotting people.

  3. what do you think???
    Here is what I think:

    p.s: havn't finished thinking yet.
    Edited: December 25, 2016

  4. I think the drops must be a little higher, like the last time(2 days ago). Considering the lag too and the time events were off. Just make it more attractive for ppl to commit i think. Constant dc and lag for 5-10 emblems a hour not enough i think. Or atleast spread snowmen in other areas, outside of northrend too. If it would reduce lag more. It's just really time consuming, and time is more valuable around the Christmas holydays :)
    Edited: December 25, 2016

  5. @Proterean
    Could u please, since u nerfed the drop rates drasticly, nerf the Cows and Snowmen aswell.
    I really dont find anything fun in trying to kill NPCs that one shot u. If u die, u probably wont be resurected, and even if u do 50% of the grp will be gone trying to kill next Snowmen while u are trying to get ur HP back and as a reward u get nothing. Bosses that have 100% chance to drop and emblem wont do that...
    U can just add something unique like tabard drops, or murlock costume, or those baskets, or pets, or something to the Cow King and just make it doable. Like, is there ANYONE here that did the Cow king legit? I dont mind the boss HP, it takes time but his scripts alone are doable when he is on the ground. How do u expect us to manage and kill the 400k HP Cows that one shots u on hit and that spawn every 3sec with 3 DPS which atleast 1 of them is Melee?

    Edit: Snowmen are ok, i was wrong about that. Sorry.
    Edited: December 25, 2016

  6. Or just remove them all together, cos this lag is anoying... Makes anything else unplayable.

  7. Spreading them to outland or some other place or slightly increasing drop rate is the move for me.

  8. "OMG THE DROPS ARE SO LOW OMG OMGOMOMGH GHUURUDUUUURUUDURUR" These types of people should just shut the **** up. I bet you arent even donating into the server so please

    I farmed snowman with over 30 People on my Raid for 5hours from 8 to 82 EOF so pretty please. Shut the **** up

  9. wow, much mad, such rage.
    Snowmen are doable and if u put time into it u can get emblems. Ok, leave Snowmen as they are. I was wrong to say anything about Snowmen and to put in the same loop with Cows.
    Cow King. Did any of u smart programers and farmers even try to kill that boss? Whats the point of Cow King if u cant kill it? U can make it hard, im fine with that, make me sweat my *** in order to kill it, even better. But just make it doable.
    I dont give a rats *** if i can do it only 1 time and get a 1 year save, idc if only thing i get is a tabard of flame, i just want to be able to kill it. Since u cant do anything else atm cos of the lag, and i dont want to interact with a 40m pug doin snowmen watching 80% of the raid just afk. But i guess thats too much to ask.

  10. Well last year I got tabad of frost from the cow king, I am more interested in the cows.

  11. "OMG THE DROPS ARE SO LOW OMG OMGOMOMGH GHUURUDUUUURUUDURUR" These types of people should just shut the **** up. I bet you arent even donating into the server so please

    I farmed snowman with over 30 People on my Raid for 5hours from 8 to 82 EOF so pretty please. Shut the **** up
    That's too much low , considering you play on a free server, it mean you waste both your bandwidth and server processing capacity for 5 hours just for ~70 EoF.

  12. @Proterean
    Could u please, since u nerfed the drop rates drasticly, nerf the Cows and Snowmen aswell.
    I really dont find anything fun in trying to kill NPCs that one shot u. If u die, u probably wont be resurected, and even if u do 50% of the grp will be gone trying to kill next Snowmen while u are trying to get ur HP back and as a reward u get nothing. Bosses that have 100% chance to drop and emblem wont do that...
    U can just add something unique like tabard drops, or murlock costume, or those baskets, or pets, or something to the Cow King and just make it doable. Like, is there ANYONE here that did the Cow king legit? I dont mind the boss HP, it takes time but his scripts alone are doable when he is on the ground. How do u expect us to manage and kill the 400k HP Cows that one shots u on hit and that spawn every 3sec with 3 DPS which atleast 1 of them is Melee?
    Can you imagine the effort the developers spent programming this,if you spent time programming C++. Now Imagine after preparing those events, the server lags, and naturally, even if you outsource your service , there is limited bandwidth/cpu processing power you can buy, and the escalation is not linear: here is a simple example:
    suppose your character takes 1KB of bandwidth to send/receive events, in a 5-man instance you are 5 people so it takes 5kb since you need to know what other members of the party are doing, multiply that by 5= 25kb total for all in that dungeon.

    Now if it's 10 man, it's 100kbs total: notice how you doubled the number of people but the bandwidth is x4.
    for 40 man it's 40x40=1600kbs.
    This is just a simple example. in reality there is connection multiplexing and compression algorithms , but those also take time and resources, especially with warden system, reviewing netwrok packets and correcting "predicted locations/values" and other stuff.
    Now . I'm not an ISA or a SA, but you get the general idea what causes the lag: WoW is designed around raids/dungeons, meaning instances with a pre-defined number of people, to put events in an open world is a brilliant idea, it brings alot of fun, but has it's consequences.

    And after all that effort, come people complaining about drop rate :|, which in terms of reality mean all people will be farming which makes the lag much greater, will render the realm unplayable, but they complained about it in a way that suits them as probably they control primordial saronite trade, and probably the whole AH, this is why people here add big words "influx", "deflation", "economy" to make it sound important to the point where you just feel stupid to get involved in such "big" discussions, literally inflicting mind cuffs.
    And the laughable matter is both of those words or any other word doesn't apply not irl or virtual economy to goods that you cannot produce, for example Gold, like saronites in game, can be mined , it cannot be farmed or produced there is a limited amount of it, hence why gold was used to backup currency.

    I leave you with this video to entertain yourselves:

  13. I agree with the drop rates on snowmen. They're pretty great as they are, it makes it less of a massacre too because not everyone is willing to do them for lower drop rates. Anyway please don't bump them back up to the way there were on monday.

  14. @Gummed
    I NEVER complained about DROP RATES. If i did, or made such comment, or made u think i did complain about that, i am sorry, i made a mistake.
    I dont care about the emblems. I want to kill the Cow King. Simple as that. Idc if it has a 0.1% chance to drop a TABARD or that WEATHER MACHINE or a 36 BAG or some stupid PET, I just want it dead. And i really dont see how those rewards can hurt anyone. Even if i have to piss blood in order to do it, all i ask is to be doable, is that too much?

  15. That's too much low , considering you play on a free server, it mean you waste both your bandwidth and server processing capacity for 5 hours just for ~70 EoF.
    By saying "waste" on bandwith and server processing just for EOFs is like wasting time farming through icc for X amount of Eofs and gears.

    Hey, wanna try farming eofs on ICC with pugs? Oh wait, you cant farm them on ICC.
    Wanna commit to a raiding party in ICC for 3-4 Hours of wiping and clearing? And the chances are of getting into BQL is very low?

    Let that sink in for a moment.

    Edit: I would love to hear other methods on farming eofs please. Please enlighten us
    Edit: Efficiently with no Hassle whatsoever

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