1. Spec to gear for next season

    Hi! I have a main combat rogue, but want another class to play. I will start gearing both, next season, but cant decide for the second between Arms and Survival. As of mechanics, I know both of them well, as of burst/sustained dps with proper gear, I could use a hand. I plan to do only 2v2 (nothing over 1,7k) and casual bgs.
    Which is in a better position? Whose dmg is better overall?

  2. Roll bm bite pew bite pew pew
    Nope. I have a brain and I like to use it.

  3. Nope. I have a brain and I like to use it.
    Shots fired.

    Jokes aside though. I have both an arms warr (522) and a mm/surv hunter (550), and I probably prefer my hunter over the warrior.
    He's squishier for sure, but survival is really fun to play imo.

  4. Nope. I have a brain and I like to use it.
    Thank you so much for saying this. If you were a cat, I'd cuddle you.

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