1. LF "Reverse" Interruptbar (for DR on me)

    Hello, as title says, I'm looking for an Interruptbar "reversed", which tracks the DRs on me, like Polymorph, Cyclone, Seduction and so on, so I know exactly when a full CC is going to land on me, is it possible?

    I can track mentally when its only 2v2 but in SoloQ/3v3 i can't track seduction, polymorph, cyclone at the same time all together, neither does the blizzard stopwatch so yeah an addon would be perfect. (i play hpaladin)

    Thanks for any help =)

  2. I looked into this after I saw this, very good idea.

    Get addon DiminishingReturns

    in Tracker.lua
    delete line 173, should be just below comment --- Ignore targetted friends
    "if band(flags, CLO_REACTION_FRIENDLY) ~= 0 then return end"

    Unless that line is deleted it doesnt track DRs on friendly units.

    Afterwards it can track DR on player frame (just go into /support folder in addon's folder and either add or edit to support frames you want).

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