1. I think 278illvl items never were available for non-donors (can't buy it for points)
    There is ni gid damn 278.
    277 - icc/rs hc,
    284 - sm
    270 most wf items
    272 togc backs
    271 lk/halion 10hc

    So gonna guess it was a typo or he has no clue what the corrent ilvl is.

    And yea, items should never even have been up on the vp shop, hooe they never come back.
    Go farm.

    (Typing from my phone, hooe its all good)

  2. you can always use your vote points to change your race every 18-20 days, thats what i do now for fun... would be happy to see atleast lvl 251 items in vote shop but i guess that wont happen anymore

  3. you can always use your vote points to change your race every 18-20 days, thats what i do now for fun... would be happy to see atleast lvl 251 items in vote shop but i guess that wont happen anymore
    Yeah atleast 251 (including t10). Dont you think Wotlk is 9 year old game.
    Edited: January 4, 2017

  4. you can always use your vote points to change your race every 18-20 days, thats what i do now for fun... would be happy to see atleast lvl 251 items in vote shop but i guess that wont happen anymore
    Why? People can pretty much be ready for ICC with the point shop as it is now... What I'd like to see tho are some mounts/pets/toys for vote points, or transmog tokens.

  5. Why? People can pretty much be ready for ICC with the point shop as it is now... What I'd like to see tho are some mounts/pets/toys for vote points, or transmog tokens.
    The unanswered question for so long now remains, why does vote shop not have any vanity items(pets/mounts/etc) anymore.

  6. Nothing like starting the year with a good laugh.
    aye, dat face when everyone wakes up with half of their gold but the same old price in AH

  7. what happened to all the 278ilvl trinkets and weapons? they seemed to have disappeared

    you mean the 264 and 271s right? gone

    guess you've been out of the loop for quite some time eh
    Edited: January 6, 2017 Reason: quote

  8. Those peasants who farm PoS all day cry how bad is it and how donors are mean, asking lots of GS. Just say thanks to them they are the big part of why you can farm your PoS here for free. I hope you understand that people are asking "lots of GS :(" just BECAUSE of those free items?? Every noob like you are running around with RS trinkets and LK weapons. Come on.

    Now try this: Get all gear you can for EoT. Do ICC/RS. Get gear for your main spec instead of making alts or offspec, wasting hundreds of hours on offspecs and alts, while you are bad with all of them. Get good with one spec. Farm it until you are BiS(you can actually get Legendary weapons in game).

    Then read on forums how some PoS farmer peasant cry how bad life is on server, how every guy ever is 100% donor(including you) because in their mind it is impossible to spend 2 hrs a week doing raid.
    You mean like how EVERY ICC GROUP wants "Achievement and 6k GS"? How are players who don't donate and get Pre-Raid BIS get into ICC when everyone keeps asking for achievements and 6k GS. I mean last I knew the whole point to doing the Raids was to get gear. Not already have the gear to do the content that is supposed to give you gear. This is where Warmane has completely failed, they offered gear to End Game Raids from Donation, Vote Points, Activity Points letting players skip content and get geared for just "supporting" the server, while yes the money is supporting the server, people don't donate for that reason since people like to focus on the reward for donating which is BiS characters.

    Yes you COULD make a guild, just for no one to really join the guild or to leave cause they will think it is a dead guild then join a more popular guild and probably never get into raids with the guild cause the guild already has their main raid teams so you still have to PuG it. And let's not even start with everything wrong with PuGs.

  9. You mean like how EVERY ICC GROUP wants "Achievement and 6k GS"? How are players who don't donate and get Pre-Raid BIS get into ICC when everyone keeps asking for achievements and 6k GS. I mean last I knew the whole point to doing the Raids was to get gear. Not already have the gear to do the content that is supposed to give you gear. This is where Warmane has completely failed, they offered gear to End Game Raids from Donation, Vote Points, Activity Points letting players skip content and get geared for just "supporting" the server, while yes the money is supporting the server, people don't donate for that reason since people like to focus on the reward for donating which is BiS characters.

    Yes you COULD make a guild, just for no one to really join the guild or to leave cause they will think it is a dead guild then join a more popular guild and probably never get into raids with the guild cause the guild already has their main raid teams so you still have to PuG it. And let's not even start with everything wrong with PuGs.
    Maybe one day you will realize that YOU failed, not Warmane. No one has to dance around you and invite you and give you gear. Ask what you can give to guild. Ask why they should invite you. No one likes special snowflakes and their drama about how world(in this case Warmane) has wronged them and always someone else is to blame. Reflect a bit and you will see, then you can improve yourself.
    Pugs in BiS gear are just that - pugs. It is not about gear. You need something else to get out of that pug-piss-pool where are all the players that no one wants anything to do with. Players who can't take a look at themselves.

    And... what is guild? A place where some random puglet can come and get free gear because everyone owes him? What do you think?

  10. Maybe one day you will realize that YOU failed, not Warmane. No one has to dance around you and invite you and give you gear. Ask what you can give to guild. Ask why they should invite you. No one likes special snowflakes and their drama about how world(in this case Warmane) has wronged them and always someone else is to blame. Reflect a bit and you will see, then you can improve yourself.
    Pugs in BiS gear are just that - pugs. It is not about gear. You need something else to get out of that pug-piss-pool where are all the players that no one wants anything to do with. Players who can't take a look at themselves.

    And... what is guild? A place where some random puglet can come and get free gear because everyone owes him? What do you think?
    I never said anyone had to dance around me and invite me to give me gear. I am simply stating what happens. I rather not get carried in a raid anyways as I like to earn my gear. But this is not about just me, this happens to others as well, not once I have never claimed anyone owed me anything. When I do get invited to guilds randomly on a character that can heal/dps/tank. I ask what they want and you either get no response or they say "play what you want" which when they say the 2nd it shows me that they have 0 idea what they are doing or what they need and is just one of those guilds that'll die in a week.

    But hey if you want to defend a decision that let's people donate for BiS, be my guest.

  11. There is nothing to defend. It is ok and it does not really matter. It matter to only those sad players who can't do anything and cry how bad is everything. They don't understand that they can get any gear they want in game or donating, all they have to do is stop cry and DO IT.

    So you can feel free to whisper every guy in game and tell them that they are 100% responsible for their own actions and it is 100% their decision to run around naked and cry how bad donators are.

  12. Yea its unfortunate I was saving up for a new t10 as well for my alt but meh it made me lazy and just wait out and collect my points rather than playing the game itself.

    Easy fix: Know how to gear!
    Vote everyday to get some decent items->ICC ring rep farm->Join a Friendly Guild-> Do Fos/Pos/Hor Farms with them-> Do Toc, Voas and some RDF hcs->
    Start doing some ICC10 normals -> Cant join pug? lead one, just say its an alt run->Join a Decent Guild that regularly do Icc 25s regularly and farm achieves -> Join end game guild. GG.

    Easy shortcut = Learn to do professions and sell stuff to either buy gear from auction or make em yourself.

  13. Unfortunate was nice to see relentless weapons obtainable for awhile, great feature for that server all around sad to see it gone.

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