1. pvp rogue race

    This will probably end up as a flame war but....

    As a rogue one of the best races on ally side (I only play ally) that I have found is gnome. It just really works, and YES I prefer gnome over human any day for racials (yes plural) for rogue. Just can't beat that escape artist and other bonuses that gnomes give in bgs...namely you can be sooo overlooked.

    Everyman for himself sounds good on the surface....but... unless you use active trinkets(doesnt matter really as you can only use one of them at a time same cd) and a passive which shouldn't go active if another is going(all that internal cd db stuff) is it really an advantage?

    In tbc humans had a bonus to perception. That was useless in wotlk and was gone in cata. Any other useful racials? nope.

    Gnomes = Escape artist which, unlike everyman for himself, has a seperate cd from pvp trinket.(note those trinkets have other very useful stats that many ignore) They are small which in pvp can be an advantage especially for a rogue. there is some other advantages but those are the main ones.

    Horde rogues...meh never played them.

    dwarf...meh never tried one

    nightelf? well in tbc they had a bonus to stealth from racial. Don't think that exists anymore.

    Like I said I'm sure this will end in a flame war but go ahead guys.

  2. humans have perception wich means 100% opener of ur enemy not human or night elf

    i can believe in versatility of dworfs and nelfs, but gnomes... meh

  3. Shadowmeld works like vanish. So it's the same thing but better.

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