1. Which class has the best burst and highest damage in pvp & pve? (Just wanna OP)

    As the tittle state... which one is better and why?

    I want to play one of those just for fun in my vacations... :D


  2. caster class or melee?

    How long have you played a certain class?

    In the end it depends on 1) your skill with that class. 2) gear. 3) situation.

    Remember in pvp it is NOT just about burst dmg but survivability as well.

  3. I play monk, and if you are good at it.. pvp can become addictive asf :p

    Really Good burst dmg + self heals. (WW is my spec)

    + Animation's are appealing.

  4. - BM hunt currently has one of the most insane split-second bursts (if timed correctly) in arenas. It either works or it doesn't, depending on how skilled the rival healer also is.
    - Rogues in general excel at bursts, especially with the proper macros and hand-to-eye coordination. This is available for both PVP and PVE.
    - WW monk deserves a considerable mention (PVP+PVE) since a well-geared (and brained!) windwalker can easily 1v1 any spec atm. The combo is very potent. 10 stacks of TeB + RSK + RJW + FoF + Procs and on-demand trinket = nothing to joke about, especially if he gets lucky crits.

    All in all you really have plenty of possibilities and specs to try out.

  5. Thanx for all your comments... :D

  6. I play monk, and if you are good at it.. pvp can become addictive asf :p

    Really Good burst dmg + self heals. (WW is my spec)

    + Animation's are appealing.
    Animations are bad... Fists of Fury just generates aggro amons't other players and Monk is singled out for the beatdown of the century

  7. i think the animation is good compared to other classes.

  8. The worst burst have feral druid but if You are skilled and know how to play as feral You can easy smash every spec. So don't be ***** and stop asking about best burst/op spec...

  9. I easily destroy healers with burst on my feral, dunno why you would think that its underpowered
    With double dps trink non platers die in a pounce

    for the topic : enha shams have the best burst
    Edited: January 8, 2017

  10. I easily destroy healers with burst on my feral, dunno why you would think that its underpowered
    With double dps trink non platers die in a pounce

    for the topic : enha shams have the best burst
    Tell me how you kill easily restoration druid/shaman and mw-monk please..Enlighten me senpai...and make a video how you are doing it vs who ect..Would like to know as many others that wants and play a feral druid on this patch!
    Edited: January 8, 2017

  11. Havent yet unlocked the give-a-**** level to make a vid about it but if you have any good rdudu/mw monk friends come with em to me and ill be more than happy to show you :) my kitty is kohaii,horde side

  12. ww monks can beat anyone in 1v1 (just be a bit good)

  13. Havent yet unlocked the give-a-**** level to make a vid about it but if you have any good rdudu/mw monk friends come with em to me and ill be more than happy to show you :) my kitty is kohaii,horde side
    Give me some tips if u cant make a video..But dont speak vs those u kill or beat because they are probably new to heal classes..You cant touch r.dudu if whoever plays it know what to do..he can troll you 24/7 with hibernate or clone spells..same for monks..healing forever..btw..all can kill/beat healers when they are oom..!! ure balkan druid thinking u can kill any healer..y if they are noobs every one can! peace *****

  14. Holy necro..this guy really wants tips on killing a rdudu

    The trick is about dream of cenarius and timing, with **** set up correctly your rip and rake can both deal 40-50k ish ticks and belive me that damage does not tickle combined with shreds.Whisper me in game if you need a demonstration :**

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