1. Is there an addon like Questie for wotlk?

    Its been a long time since i leveled on x1 rates, and sometimes i forget where quests are, is there an addon like questie somewhere for wotlk?

  2. There was also this one....


    What does it do?

    Quest History

    As you complete quests in game, EveryQuest will keep track of which ones you have done. It also tracks which quests you've failed or abandoned so that you can easily get them again. Once you complete a quest, the date and time is saved to see when you did it. Additionally if the quest is a daily quest, it keeps a running total of how many times you've done the quest along with the most recent completion date.

    Also you can query the server for quests you've completed prior to your first use of EveryQuest. Access this option from the options screen.
    Quest List

    EveryQuest comes with a database of quests available in game. These are browse able by quest category using the drop down menu at the top of the window. Quests in the list will change colors depending on there status (unknown, failed/abandoned, in progress, completed, turned in).

    If you have LightHeaded loaded, clicking a quest will open the Lightheaded window the the quest you clicked on.

    To create a quest link for insertion into the chat edit box, have the chat edit box open then shift-click the quest in the main window.

    To filter the list of quests, click the Filters button on the main window or navigate to the filters window until the Blizzard Interface options. Changing these filters will update the window immediately.

    There is a default sorting of the quest list. This can be changed using the weights and order options in the options window (Click Filters or Options in the main EveryQuest window to open the options window).
    Manually Changing a Quests status

    To manually change a quests status, right click it in the main window and select the new status from the menu. Having a quest on ignore is different then it's status. When a quest is on ignore the status will still update when you start doing it or complete it.

    r162 Version is for 3.3.5 - here is a link for it.

  3. Its been a long time since i leveled on x1 rates, and sometimes i forget where quests are, is there an addon like questie somewhere for wotlk?

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