1. Shadowed UF slight problem (hunter/pet based)

    So I started playing without any add-ons at first and then realized that The game can look way better with some simple add-ons and decided to come here on the forums add on list to get some of those that sounded useful as well as some graphic based add-ons one of them being shadowed UF. So let me get to the problem. before I had it installed I would see this pet hunger thing on my pet and when i fed it it made the pets power change between %75 %100 or %125 based on how full it is. But since I installed shadowed UF It doesn't display pets hunger "buff" or "debuff" whatever you want to call it. I went out on the googles and looked around a bit. couldn't really find anything about it. After asking in my guild chat they told me to make a post on forum and here I am.

    Explanation of what happens when I feed my pet : I can see the buff that sais something along the lines of "this pet has been fed and hunger is increasing" But I don't see the hunger state on the pet when I click it.

    Before people ask :
    I downloaded the wotlk version of shadowed uf through this forums addon page.
    And I am new to Wow this is my first time playing and I'm at lvl 28 atm.
    Also tried to do some forum searches before making the post and I didn't find anything about this.

    TL DR;
    Im a hunter that wants to see my pets hunger state Without turning shadowed UF OFF or uninstalling it

  2. I asked around and found it hours later. You can see it on the menu when u go to charecter menu(C) -> pets -> current pet its on top left. the color of the thing on top left determines it but when you hover over it. u only see diet : on there

  3. It sounds like you're trying to find the pet's happiness. I have SUF too and to enable pet's happiness you have to do this:

    - Open SUF with /suf
    - Click the "+" button next to unit configuration
    - Click "pet"
    - Click "Indicators" near the top right of the menu
    - Select "Happiness" in the menu that appears
    - Tick "Enable Indicator" to have a small icon appear near you pet's nameplate that'll display its current happiness state. You can use the "Anchor Point" to move the icon around it's nameplate to your liking

    This is the menu - https://i.imgur.com/6ASnoj9.jpg
    This is how the pet's nameplate will look once finished - https://i.imgur.com/OIE9V9Y.jpg

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