1. retour d'un ancien multiboxer

    I will go back to the multiboxing under Wotlk and I wanted to know if with a group of 5 shamans sufisait for dungeons wotlk or if I had to make a team of 1 tank / 3 dps / 1 heal?
    Excuse me for my english i am french
    I played under BC and 5 shamans were enough for the dungeons
    Thanks you

  2. pretty depends on what dungeons you want to do. basicly, with good skills(coordination) you could easely complete all dungeons with 1 tank and 4 shaman dps while off-healing your tank, tank is usually a must, while heals can be avoided, all depends on gear.
    Tho as far as i know, best 5ma dungeon farm comp is a dk + 4retribution palaids

  3. Thank you for your response, I have just created a team of 1 paladin / 4 shamans on the server lordaeron
    To pleasure

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