1. My addons stopped working

    Hello everyone, I've been playing without problems for many months, until this week.
    My settings are find, but my addons can't be loaded, or seem they are not loading.

    For example,
    OmniCC, I can see the settings in the interface tab but the addon is not working.
    Auto-repair, the same.
    All healers must die, won't load either.
    Overachiever won't load.

    The only addon that works is my coordinations addon.
    Tried to download manualy and via Curse one or two new ones, and won't load either.

    I also checked the OmniCC with a friend of mine on their account, and it wouldn't work again.

    How can I solve this, because I'm really depending on these addons.

    Thank you for your time :)

  2. If they were working in the past, I bet clearing \Cache and \WTF\Account config folders will make them work once again. However, their configuration will be gone.

  3. If they were working in the past, I bet clearing \Cache and \WTF\Account config folders will make them work once again. However, their configuration will be gone.
    Unfortunately this didn't work :(

  4. 1) Make sure to get addons specificly for 3.3.5a. Addons from newer expansions are very likely to not work.

    2) Check if each addon works alone. Could be newer addon causing issues.

    3) Enable Lua errors; post here if you get errors (ignore errors from working addons).

    One of possible causes could be that you have nolib versions of addons and miss depencies (oh how much I dislike addons not including code they depend on), fix in this case would be downloading addon -lib version of addon (instead of -nolib)

  5. Try using the combatlogclear addon(http://www.wowinterface.com/download...batLogFix.html I think this is the 3.3.5 compatible version),or use the macro /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries); .

  6. OK, although I haven't updated any addons, nor I played around with them (for like at least 6-7 months now), after they stopped working, I tried to delete said folders, and didn't work.
    The only solution I've found was to completely delete my old addons and re-download from the appropriate link (WoTL) in the warmane addons forum list.

    And now they working. I don't know why this didn't work at first, but now it works.

    Thank you all for the ideas!

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