1. coming back to WoW

    Hi, so I'm coming back and looking for a new experience. I love all the grinding and farming part of WoW, and I'd like to know how is it working in Lordaeron. Can you farm PoS and FoS normal/heroic? Or do you get locked? Also, any old raid open (SWP, BT, etc). Thank you.

  2. PoS and FoS are not released yet, every heroic dungeon has a lock until the daily lock reset (so1 hc of the same dung per day). Last time I was in BT Shade of Akama fight didn't work so you couldn't even reach Illidan. SWP was fine but hard. You should know that Dungeon Finder is disabled on purpose so you will have to form your group on chat.

  3. You canĀ“t pull Akama nor Teron in BT for more than 3months now and Mother is still probably randomly teleporting raidmembers into abyss afterwards to Westfall, just standard server of the year 2k16 stuff right there.

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