1. Grand Ice Mammoth and Exalted with Sons of Hodor

    I'm looking to get my hands on the Grand Ice Mammoth. Obviously a requirement is to get Exalted with Sons of Hodor. This faction is a pain to get exalted with. The only way I know of is trying to finish a very buggy quest line.

    I've seen other people on the server with this mount, so I know it is possible.

    If you own this mount, let me know your experience with acquiring it. What worked for you and what was bugged?

    I started the whole quest chain, and got pretty far. The problem is the quest The Drakkensryd is broken for me. it mounts me on the dragon, but I can't move, and the dragon doesn't do its path, it just sits there. I try manually attacking the mobs from my own mount but that doesn't count for the quest.

    Is there some other way to get exalted with this faction? Or some workaround for this bug?

  2. you can get exalted by doing a repeatable quest given by the sons of hoder quartermaster which requires turning in relics of ulduar and these can drop from any mob in the storm peaks ....... took me some time but its worth it ...... plus you get an achivement too

  3. ever heard of Sons of Hodir Commendation Badge ?????

  4. For the rep you can get the Commendation Badges in Dalaran, they don't cost much as long as I can remember. After you get exalted, it's available at the vendor in Dun Niffelem (the reputation's home) for 9,000 gold. Hope this helps.
    Edited: January 23, 2017 Reason: potato spelling

  5. Sons of HODOR????

    Hold the door! Hold the door! Hol-dor! Holdor! HODOR! HODOR! HODOR!

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