1. (A) Icecrown NA Based Guild

    Randy Marsh Fan Club is looking for a couple more players for our 10 man raid group. We will be progressing through out all the raids that are available on Icecrown, were a casual/semi-hardcore group. You don't have to be super experienced in the raids the officers and guild master will teach you, and were here to learn together. We're just starting out so we don't have times made up yet but once we have a full group we will decide what works better for everyone. We will be using Discord or TS3 for chat during raids. If you're looking for a chill NA PVE Guild contact Matthee in Game.

    What we need.

    1 Tank - preferably Warrior or Paladin
    1 Healer - except Paladin
    2 Rdps - Preferably mage and lock
    1 - Melee dps

  2. Hey are you guys still recruiting?

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