1. Assistance Needed in MOP

    Good Morning,
    I was on a griffon flight from Zul Aman to Eastern Plaguelands. when i arrived in EPL i was unable to move. So i logged out then back in once i arrived again i started flying on the griffon. This time though it took me to the top of the map in the sea near where the paper curls. Then turned me around took me back to the border between eversong and ghostlands. at this point it dropped me and i was floating. i could not move so i re-logged again. this time i returned on my flying mount.still unable to move. So i dismounted and proceeded to fall through the world. once i died and came back i was unable to hearth move or return to the graveyard.
    I submitted a ticket last night and got the response of "please check our bug tracker if and i would have to wait until dev fixed the bug" This is not a bug :) i am stuck and cannot play. if someone could please assist on frostmourne that would be great.
    Thank You

  2. Character unstuck is available on website under services.

  3. Thank you very much i was unaware of that option.

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