1. Missing CM Rewards

    Its nice that the transmog chests were give but the eggs tokens for mount were not. These you get for completing silver

  2. i did get golden chest, but its empty :/

  3. Whats class I opened 7 boxes and had no issue

  4. I got chests on all my charrs, which is kinda crapp..
    Everyone will have same transmo now..
    I eaven got it on my alt that i am lvling atm..
    You killed point of doing CM..

  5. That was gonna happen sooner or later sadly. Personally I'd like to see CM rewards only available for a limited time but people would complain to much but that is the only way to make mogs a bit unique

  6. I didn't get anything not even chests
    Even I finished both in dk and pala achievement rolled back for me
    How to get the chests anyway??

  7. Chest was auto added to inventory if u have gold complete when you log in.

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