1. You were in some ****ter groups if they were taking anyone in blues to any raid above T7. I was in one of the worst servers in the United States cluster and we sure as hell weren't taking anyone in dungeon blues to a raid tuned 35 item levels higher than that or so.

  2. People want high tanks bc most (not all) high tanks know there job well and have n earned the gear so they know the content a lot more.

  3. You were in some ****ter groups if they were taking anyone in blues to any raid above T7. I was in one of the worst servers in the United States cluster and we sure as hell weren't taking anyone in dungeon blues to a raid tuned 35 item levels higher than that or so.
    Must not have been too bad if those groups were still easily killing LK.

  4. Come play in Loarderon minimum gs for toc10raids is 4.5gs and content is buffed
    ye thoe there are some guys wich want to raid and even dont do the minimum effort to resarch what they need for raid wich gems enchants anything people are looking for when making Pugs and when they are not invited they start to flame and tallk sh*t

    It seems peeps just want to join raid , to be carried , to get BiS and to start new toon
    but nah if you dumb as squirrel and dont try to be better atleast for the minimum effort you gonna be nabstare , lost ***** wich cant even be casual at content wich is older than 12years .... meh i hope this made sense

    I hope the crybabies from icecrown dont join loarderon when icc hits cuz there are dumbos here to thoe people have less gear requirements for BUFFED LOARDERON RAIDS
    sorry for the slidest offtopic here

  5. Exactly. ICC is extremely easy, Idk how people can think they need such high gear for it.

  6. Still I raid on my 10 toons in ICC every week, and around half is Pug raids.

    I only join leaders with good acheivements, who invites good geared people cause Im one of them, and still raid is over before half the instance is cleared.
    What I do tend to se alot are alot of these "special snowflakes" who "carries " and being the best player in the world they cant be wrong, and if you even dare to tell him otherwise he will leave, and when he leaves more leave, and once 3-4 people left... there goes the whole ****ing raid.

    Saying ICC is easy is just a definition of how skilled YOU are, if you do LoD on farm you can probable clear icc 10 normal at a full raid of 4k gs people, but please dont make it a standard to the casual players that this server in fact favor.

    Yeah GS limit is to high, but unless you make a raid urself and invite only low gs people and se how that goes...
    Edited: February 12, 2017

  7. Cant really quote from a phone, but anyway, to the dude saying "its easy in blues", you bothered to check that link?
    "Marrowgar night", not "4 tries and a kill", but a whole night (3h raid time) on one boss.
    Saw the bpc? 3 Tanks, 4 healers. (Perfect moment for that "2 hpalas in a raid is a good thing" guy to hop in)
    It IS doable, but in no way is it easy. Yes, it can be easy cleared with average of 5k, some over, some under, as Mercy said ilvls 232-239 would be ok for that.
    But then you get a dk in frost presence dying, hunter with no aspect (or viper, they really like that), demo locks with no pets, shamans with no totems and similar crap. If they did their job - sure, doable, but here most likely not.

    The other day I queued rdf as a healer, got pos. This damn warr tank was like 3.9k, but hey, lets go. Had one dps to carry the rest, but what was amazing is that the warrior took less dmg than many better tanks Ive seen in pos. I dont know how, I dont know why, was he lucky dodging? Parry? Block? No clue, but it was really nice healing that guy. Thats a tank that'd be nice for low gs raiding.

  8. Cant really quote from a phone, but anyway, to the dude saying "its easy in blues", you bothered to check that link?
    "Marrowgar night", not "4 tries and a kill", but a whole night (3h raid time) on one boss.
    Saw the bpc? 3 Tanks, 4 healers. (Perfect moment for that "2 hpalas in a raid is a good thing" guy to hop in)
    It IS doable, but in no way is it easy. Yes, it can be easy cleared with average of 5k, some over, some under, as Mercy said ilvls 232-239 would be ok for that.
    But then you get a dk in frost presence dying, hunter with no aspect (or viper, they really like that), demo locks with no pets, shamans with no totems and similar crap. If they did their job - sure, doable, but here most likely not.

    The other day I queued rdf as a healer, got pos. This damn warr tank was like 3.9k, but hey, lets go. Had one dps to carry the rest, but what was amazing is that the warrior took less dmg than many better tanks Ive seen in pos. I dont know how, I dont know why, was he lucky dodging? Parry? Block? No clue, but it was really nice healing that guy. Thats a tank that'd be nice for low gs raiding.
    Please learn to read, I said it's possible in blues, not easy. But in general, yes...ICC is extremely easy.

  9. Must not have been too bad if those groups were still easily killing LK.
    They weren't.

  10. Everyone on private servers was the best on retail, I know. I'm sure you were clearing WoTLK Naxx with your epics from Vanilla Naxx.

  11. Goodluck killing bane under 5k :o
    Last I checked, you can't get Bane from ICC 10 normal, so your post has nothing to do with this.

  12. Everyone on private servers was the best on retail, I know. I'm sure you were clearing WoTLK Naxx with your epics from Vanilla Naxx.
    Definitely. Can confirm. Reminds me of those people who do all that theorycrafting that nobody ever thought to do on retail too.

  13. Definitely. Can confirm. Reminds me of those people who do all that theorycrafting that nobody ever thought to do on retail too.
    Strange. That actually reminded me of people who mention retail as a clutch every time, when all their discussions are irrelevant and their logic make no sense. Though given how retail players avoided every incoming damage and cleared ICCs without healers, I'd definitely agree with your confirmation of what Mahourai said.

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