1. cats > dogs

    title says it all, i dunn get all the hype about dogs. sayin they help people with disabilities and there are police dogs etc etc. but im sure thats a bit offset by the fact they kill babies and the elderly, and ontop of that who would want a pet that does nothing but stink up the house and beg for food ? at least when cats show you affection, they mean it, and are generally clean animals.

    so what about you guys, do yall like cats or dogs and why ?

  2. Heresy!

    1º Dogs are more inteligent, friendly, loyal and useful. They see you as part of their pack and protect their owners.

    2º Dogs always show more atention than cats, which are interested and rude.

    3º Dogs are the master race, this is why majority of people prefer dogs over the cats.
    Edited: February 23, 2017

  3. [Keepo]

    so what about you guys, do yall like cats or dogs and why ?
    Hello Kitty, I do not want to answer your question, but I think it is important that I share 2 personal diaries of... some... individuals... per se.

    Spoiler: Show
    8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
    9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
    9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
    10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
    12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
    1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
    3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
    5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
    7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
    8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
    11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

    Spoiler: Show
    Day 983 of My Captivity

    My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

    The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am. Bastards!

    There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of “allergies.” I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

    Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

    I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously ******ed. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

    Kisses kitten ;)

    P.S. My friend Nicole playing with a Human celebrity.
    Spoiler: Show


  4. Have you been tested for T. gondii? :P

  5. dogs all the way. cats are annoying lazy pests.

  6. the fact they kill babies and the elderly, and ontop of that who would want a pet that does nothing but stink up the house and beg for food ?
    Let's ignore your bias towards cats and head straight to your killer dog fact.

    It's incredibly simple really, if the dog is raised to be aggressive like that it will be. If it has a normal upbringing it'll be a normal dog and not bite everyone's face off.

    Very similar to people in that if parents raise their children like **** they'll more than likely turn out like ****.

  7. Dogs are family, cats are guests.
    Dogs > Cats

  8. Dogs are family, cats are guests.
    Dogs > Cats
    Dogs are family, cats are jerks.
    Let's ignore your bias towards cats and head straight to your killer dog fact.

    It's incredibly simple really, if the dog is raised to be aggressive like that it will be. If it has a normal upbringing it'll be a normal dog and not bite everyone's face off.

    Very similar to people in that if parents raise their children like **** they'll more than likely turn out like ****.
    Some dog breeds are naturally more aggressive or "jumpy". However, even in those breeds, how they are taught to behave goes a very long way.

  9. P-lease

    snails > cats = dogs > intellect pala > haste pala > lol > dota 2

    Edit: Also, from which movie is this quote: I love dogs, but I am more of a cat person.
    Edited: March 17, 2017

  10. dogs eat their own poop
    cats > dogs

  11. dogs eat their own poop
    cats > dogs
    Cats destroy furniture.

  12. dogs eat their own poop
    cats > dogs
    My dogs never do that.
    Dogs are more inteligent than cats, so dogs > cats.

  13. My dogs never do that.
    Dogs are more inteligent than cats, so dogs > cats.
    They intelligent enough to do that when you're not watchin'

    cats = independent grace
    dogs = mindless worship

    cats > dogs
    Edited: March 18, 2017

  14. Dogs are more inteligent than cats, so dogs > cats.
    I don't know where you got that from, but scientific studies beg to differ. This has been an ongoing debate for quite a while now, and while dogs might appear to be smarter than cats based on their better understanding of human social interaction, cats seem to be about as smart as dogs, just in a different way.

  15. They intelligent enough to do that when you're not watchin'

    cats = independent grace
    dogs = mindless worship

    cats > dogs
    Dogs save lifes, cats Cats have extinguished some races of tropical birds.
    Dogs > Cats.

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