1. Timeless Things

    Hey I'm here to ask a few simple questions which some of you may have the experienced

    1. I have no use of vp now. Is it wise to use vp for timeless coins ( 500 vp = 3500 coins ), or is there any other way to wisely use em?

    2. Is it worth to buy burden of eternity for 50k Timeless Coins?

    3. Has anyone encountered an event where they used Burden of Eternity on a gear token then they got the wrong stats? (example death knight getting 535 intellect plate)

    Thank you for your consideration o3o

  2. Use your 50k coins to buy Kukuru's Cache Keys, use them and you get back around 30k coins, gear and some burdens.
    I used 8k coins and got 3 burdens, 2 pets and a lot of gear.
    So far I have gotten only spec specific gear from burdens (around 25 items).

  3. Yes the tokens are broken and give random stats of specific item type. They should give stats for your spec. Don't waste your burdens unless you have a lot of them. As for the coins don't use them on items. Buy them with vp and gather 100000 for the mount.

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