1. Combat Indicator for 3.3.5

    Looking for a minimalistic combat indicator add-on for 3.3.5.

    I used to use one like this (http://i48.tinypic.com/14bghv.jpg ; not my screenshot), but I can't seem to find it anymore.

  2. Did you even read his post? Combat Indicator is a addon that displays an icon next to player/target/focus frames when that person is in combat. It's helpful for rogues when they want to sap someone who is about to drop combat.

    Speedydriver, I was searching for this add on a couple days ago, it seems as if it's existence has almost been completely wiped off the internet. I downloaded it a few months ago with no problems, but after a fresh install on my computer I was unable to find it. I know there are a couple different add ons that can be modified to indicate combat, just do some research on google.

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