1. Looking for addon to track DR(DiminishingReturns ) cooldown


    im looking for addon to show dr (DiminishingReturns) time cd that works in WOTLK 3.3.5a

    for example: i sap target, dr timer will start counting 18sec cooldown so as to i can gouge for full 6secs instead of 3 after the DR timer is reset


  2. The most obvious diminishing returns addon is called DiminishingReturns (v1.0 beta 12 is what I'm using and it works fine)... it's possible that your main issue is the mess that is the combat log; get combatlogfixer as well (or be diligent in running the script manually).

    BTW, why 18sec? Retail had between 15s and 20s (15s timer + 5s check intervals) and every single private server I've been on has non-blizzlike pure 15sec DRs as far as I am aware, even AT/Blackrock worked in that unblizzlike fashion last time I looked.
    Edited: March 6, 2017

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