1. Disc Priest

    Disc was the only class i was some what acceptable at lol (like 1950 rating retail :( )

    How does a disc priest hold up vs smourne warr/dks?

    I stopped playing when ICC came out on retail

  2. Fully geared priest survives fine against smournes, but ofc they need a good teammate that can peel for you
    Edited: March 13, 2017

  3. To my experience its hard to survive alone against a BiS geared Arms Warr.
    Help from the team mate is required or the disc dies sooner or later.

  4. If your partner can peel you should be fine. If you ment duels just start dpsing, discs burn down warrs pretty fast in duels, rng can still kill you tho .

  5. Disc was the only class i was some what acceptable at lol (like 1950 rating retail :( )

    How does a disc priest hold up vs smourne warr/dks?

    I stopped playing when ICC came out on retail
    vs smourne dk priest has zero chance to survive

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