1. Wotlk Druid macro

    Hey guys , I have 1 request . Can u give me Rebirth , Innervate macro for healbot? to say in raid or group Thanks for your answers and some other good macros to help

  2. Use VohDo instead.
    U can Bind spells in it and, for example: when u shift+right click on the target in the raid frame u will Inervate/Rebirth him/her.
    U can also use ctrl/alt+midle/left key for binding all kind of stuff.

  3. Thanks , and can u give me vuhdo for 3.3.5a I cant found it

  4. I'm Using healbot waste a lot of times for rebirth macro , its works but wont announce in raid or group I don't know why , atm I'm trying this macro : #showtooltip
    /cast [target=hbtarget] Rebirth
    /run if UnitInRaid("player") then c="RAID" else c="PARTY" end
    /run s,u="Rebirth","target" if IsSpellInRange(s,u)==1 then SendChatMessage("Combat Rez cast on "..UnitName(u),c)end
    /cast [target=hbtarget] Rebirth
    but still not working if anyone knows Rebirth macro to announce it with healbot please contact me
    p.s sry my english

  5. Hey guys , I have 1 request . Can u give me Rebirth , Innervate macro for healbot? to say in raid or group Thanks for your answers and some other good macros to help
    #showtooltip Innervate
    /target [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] target
    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player]Innervate
    you can pick from below where you want to announce it. [this line is not in the macro just pick from below and delete this]
    /raid cast Innervate on %t.
    /party cast Innervate on %t.
    /s cast Innervate on %t.
    /y cast Innervate on %t.

    #showtooltip Rebirth
    /target [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] target
    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player]Rebirth
    you can pick from below where you want to announce it. [this line is not in the macro just pick from below and delete this]
    /raid cast Combat Rez on %t.
    /party cast Combat Rez on %t.
    /s cast Combat Rez on %t.
    /y cast Combat Rez on %t.

    If you ask me its better to announced on /y or /s that way no matter what kind of party , raid or battleground you are.

    #showtooltip Rebirth
    /target [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] target
    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player]Rebirth
    /s cast Combat Rez on %t.

    Or if you do it like this first will try to announced in raid if no raid then in party if no party then on say.

    #showtooltip Rebirth
    /target [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] target
    /use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player]Rebirth
    /raid cast Combat Rez on %t.
    /party cast Combat Rez on %t.
    /s cast Combat Rez on %t.
    Edited: March 29, 2017

  6. May 30, 2017  
    Hey I am hoping that there is some one here that can help me with a cast sequence macro for my feral druid if it is at all possible ?What I would like is

    Is it possilbe to put all that into a sequence macro?

  7. May 30, 2017  
    Hey I am hoping that there is some one here that can help me with a cast sequence macro for my feral druid if it is at all possible ?What I would like is

    Is it possilbe to put all that into a sequence macro?
    It should be something like this

    /castsequence POUNCE, MANGLE, SAVAGE ROAR, Tiger's Fury, RAKE, SHRED, RIP

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