1. Awesome! ally side definitely needs more twinks, as you can see on photos... Seal of command is no longer bugged, so retri burst is big if you get berserking + wings but still surviable. Dks are somewhat unbalanced if you know wtf you're doing but only then. you might doubt it's different but trust me it is! come and see

  2. Just another day in horde guild all nolifers, but where is Alliance? isnt there anyone who can take on the challenge and fck us so we'll never forget? camp the gy in warsong for years? 3 2 3 2 calling all ally units

  3. In the middle of my dissertation which is due in 15 days, I'll be semi-inactive until that's over.

    but no DK on 79 can be considered as an 80 dk with SM, the best dks in 79 take forever to kill a shaman and that's if they can, only one can so far (elipas). At 80 a DK with smourne can **** on any caster within a few minutes.

    A rogue gives up all his resillience to do the damage he does which is why when I leave the rogue on Cryqt I get one-shotted by any hunter, even Klavius who is in full pvp gear.

    For hunters to do this damage they give up all their resil as well.

    79 players who roll without resillience will feel as though the bracket is a one-shot fest, until they face someone who has 500-600 resil and then the story changes, any decked out flag carrier toon will survive any rogue or hunter, which is why they need to form ambush squads at ramp and outside tunn, this can't be said for the other brackets.

    In fact with the gems and professions, 79 is similar to early 80 in stats, which is what 3.3.5 is balanced on.


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