1. Rewards to beta testers

    Hey guys. I am playing TBC here in PTR. I want give a ideia. How us, beta testers, are spending time helping the server, we should have a reward on the official release. All characters will be wiped on the official release, so would be interesting a prize to the beta testers who spended more than 4-5 hours testing the game. (There's no progression until the official release). This will attract more players to test the server and find more bugs!

    Rewards Ideias:
    1 - Instaup to level 70.
    2 - Some exclusive mount.
    3 - Some exclusive title.
    4 - Some amount of gold.

    What do u think guys?

  2. What do I think?

    To be honest I think you're an ***** for even thinking this is even a half way decent idea.

    Nothing personal friend.

  3. We are doing this for ourselves so we can play on bug free server. Noone is forcing us to do it so I don't know why would we get any rewards. Also your ideas suck.. Instant level 70 for playing (testing) 4-5 hours? Some ammount of gold? MOUNT? You're gonna grind all of that for quite a while buddy.

  4. Agree with the replies above - terrible idea you got there.. Isnt it reward enough for them to actually make this possible and give a crap about our opinions?

  5. What do I think?

    To be honest I think you're an ***** for even thinking this is even a half way decent idea.

    Nothing personal friend.
    Be respectful my friend. You're on the internet not in a place without rules and laws. I just told a ideia.

    We are doing this for ourselves so we can play on bug free server. Noone is forcing us to do it so I don't know why would we get any rewards. Also your ideas suck.. Instant level 70 for playing (testing) 4-5 hours? Some ammount of gold? MOUNT? You're gonna grind all of that for quite a while buddy.
    " 4-5 hours?" - Is just a example. I mean; must be a minimum time played to get a reward.
    "Some ammount of gold? MOUNT? " - I wrote "OR". So the reward dont need to be a amount of gold + mount, just the mount or just the amount of gold. (And both are just examples, don't be stupid).
    "Instant level 70" - This mean a example of reward, not the final resolution.

  6. Rather amazing how in the same post you go
    Be respectful my friend
    and then
    (And both are just examples, don't be stupid)
    Anyways... the PTR is an opportunity for the community to assist in finding critical issues before the release. It's open for anyone interested, but we won't offer any "bribes" on top of you helping make the game you will be playing better. If that's not enough for you, simply don't take part.

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