1. HOW TO: Check old information on wowwiki:

    I make this post to because there can be people that are new and don't know.

    1. Go to wowwiki page of choice.
    Example: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Rogue_builds

    2. Use history function. Down pointing arrow next to Edit button.

    3. Pick a date that is from before wrath, usually late july/august 2008. (if you press the 500 it helps sometimes)
    So you get: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Rogue_...?oldid=1550680

    Have fun learning, researching, reporting bugs and playing in TBC.

    Another source is of course http://www.wowhead.com/, more specifically the comments for each ability/spell/mob, etc.
    Yet another is http://wow.allakhazam.com/ .
    Finally you can use https://archive.org/web/ to search for old versions of many webpages you remember like ElitistJerks! Or any old guide pages that you remember were usefull for your class and has since been brought down.
    Edited: April 13, 2017

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