1. Nameplates

    Hi, i hate the name plats at TBC, they dont colaps with each other. Is there no option like this in wotlk? http://prnt.sc/ex2g25

  2. I don't understand. Can you show a picture of what you want to replicate in tbc. From wrath ui please.

  3. I want the to be like that http://prntscr.com/ex2nfd not like that http://prntscr.com/ex2mvw . I think tbc missing option " allow overlapping unit nameplates" here screen http://prnt.sc/ex2g25 from wotlk.

  4. Oh. Never seen any add on for that on TBC. Sorry. :(

  5. I want the to be like that http://prntscr.com/ex2nfd not like that http://prntscr.com/ex2mvw . I think tbc missing option " allow overlapping unit nameplates" here screen http://prnt.sc/ex2g25 from wotlk.
    FOnly use enemy nameplates like a normal person :p jk but seriously though you should try the addon "ClassColoredNameplates" for 2.4.3 and see if it fixes it, it will at least make them class colored so much less aids.
    Edited: April 17, 2017

  6. Aloft is only real option for TBC i think.

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