1. Is that a bug ?


    i sapped him, cs him, and he managed to blind me before the cheap shot stunned him

    he told me it was not a bug, so idk if i should put it in the bug tracker

  2. Poisons are not using any spell delay, while cheap shot is. That means that wound poison is damaging instantly, removing sap before cheapshot can stun your target. This is a bug.

  3. i tried it without any poisons and it did the same thing, he blinded me right before being stunned

  4. Try to do it without being able to auto attack your target i.e. turn sideways and vid that

  5. i just tried, when i turn sideways it doesn't break it

  6. It could be that auto attack is attacking faster than the cheapshot can be applied, this doesn't change the fact that poison is not using the same spell delay as cheapshot though

  7. This is a bug, already been reported and confirmed.

    The issue is caused by the fact that you are removed from stealth when you cast spells from stealth, and not when the spell you casted gets applied.
    In this case cheapshot has a small delay.

    What needs to be done is make it so leaving stealth is also delayed when casting a spell from stealth that has its application delayed.

    This can even be seen in many retail videos: https://youtu.be/rDNGp_e2hfQ?t=5m14s, doesn't leave stealth until cheapshot is applied, after the delay.

  8. That wouldn't change that he could blind him though, he was sapped into a cheap shot. There's not supposed to be any downtime allowing him to blind regardless, that doesn't mean stealth isn't bugged though.

  9. Yep it is a bug , me and a rouge tested this . He would sap me and i would spam frost nova and it would go off when he is cheap shotting me . We made a video too and he uploaded and said to have put it in a ticket . Lets hope this gets fixed !

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