1. what exactly is blackrock?

    i have looked around the forums and the conclusion i have come up with is that it is a wotlk server that resets every so often so players can get a fresh start... over and over again. is that the case? is there a leveling multiplayer? whats up? sorry for the ignorance but I cant find the page that gives a server description of each server. anyone have the link? thanks in advance!

  2. there is a sticky thread: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=322445

    no, there isn't a reguler reset. Last reset was an Exception

  3. Last reset was an Exception
    The realm Blackrock on Warmane server has never been wiped or re-set and that is it.
    A realm may have accepted accounts or characters but that's a totally different thing that whatever you are talking about.

    Give an answer that wouldn't create more questions.

  4. The realm Blackrock on Warmane server has never been wiped or re-set and that is it.
    A realm may have accepted accounts or characters but that's a totally different thing that whatever you are talking about.

    Give an answer that wouldn't create more questions.
    you did not get what OP was talking about.

    He said: "i have come up with Blackrock is a wotlk server that resets every so often so players can get a fresh start"

    Why he came to this conclusion? because here: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=331238 he read about the "reset"*

    *"reset" = all gear and pvp achievement resetted from all characters.

    So with my previus post I just told him it is not like that. There aren't planned "reset".

  5. May 1, 2017  
    Blackrock is a server where you get your desired rating and then play 20 games a week.

  6. May 3, 2017  
    It's a server warmane picked up from another dev. It used to be the de facto king of pvp servers, but burnout / poor decisions by the devs / 3s inactivity killed it in like.. 2012? 2013?

    By 2015 it was 100% dead and they "merged" with warmane.

    Now I'm fairly sure they have no idea wtf to do with it (hence the "reset" aka wiping all of our years of work), so they added csgo loot crates and ignore it, for the most part.

    It's basically a funserver for arena skirms and bgs.

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