1. HP on Targets

    This so unbelievably FRUSTRATING. No matter how much proof i provide, even if its directly from Blizzards own patch notes you keep dismissing this BUG.

    Bug Report as Below.

    The Problem: Health Points on Targets are not visible, instead it only shows as a percentage.

    How it should work: Health Points on ALL Targets should be shown as Health Points also, not only as percentage as per Blizzard patch notes ive read through and linked below.


    Go to the USER INTERFACE section, and its the 13th point down.

    It reads :- There are now options for displaying health and mana values on your health/mana bars for you/your party/your target and to display that information either as percentages or as numbers.

    Please fix, Thank you.

    response by Dev before being dismissed
    It was not visible on retail for targets outside of your group, even after 2.3

    What you are refering to Bigpwn is patch 2.1 as per Blizzard link below



    27th point below

    The Status Bar Text option in the interface options UI will now display numeric values for all party members health/mana bars in addition to your own.

    This was ONLY for players part of your own group. In patch 2.3 they added the functionality to include ALL targets. Ive given you the proof from actual Blizzard website. On top of that if you go to any other TBC private server with 2.4.3 or just simply view streamers u can clearly see that it IS possible. This is a bug on your client. Please fix. Ive given you all the proof you need.

    How to reproduce:

    8 minutes ago
    You could only see HP displayed as number for allies.
    4 minutes ago
    No, you are wrong. How much proof do you need ?

  2. puaxtc, it's better if you just give up and accept that you are wrong.
    You could NOT see enemy values, only percentage. Check out any video and/or addon from that time (where they don't use MobInfo or similar addon - if they use it, you can tell as maxhealth keeps changing).

    Check out any arena addon from that time, they all deal in percentage. Here's the API documentation for UnitHealth (what addons use to get health values for target/focus/etc):

    You're wrong. Many people like you have tried. They either had to accept they're wrong, or at the very least shut up about it.

  3. Ok so, your proof is a line in patch notes and "Display Percentages" option ingame.

    1 option that can be toggled on and off, so that means it shows either Numbers (N+N) or Percentages (% + %), how come in videos I see both (HP:N + Power:%).
    Seems kind of hard to me to make one button that can be toggled on and off to show 3 different things.

  4. After 2.3.0 patch with "There are now options for displaying health and mana values on your health/mana bars for you/your party/your target and to display that information either as percentages or as numbers."

    ----- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf7j4IIIZrU - 2.3.0 Sunwell Raid. Mobs show numeric numbers on target frame. SK Gaming World's First Kill Video
    ----- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFa3MJCKhgU&t=263s Method Vs Kiljaeden. World Second.Here again from mage pov there are numeric numbers as health values while targeting hostile mobs and boss.

    Before 2.3.0 patch... Health values shown as percentages.
    ------ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg4x9CRk4TA - Mobs dont show numeric numbers. The boss's hp is shown as percentage. Kungen POV. Nihilium Guild - Gruul's Lair (Unnerfed Gruul)
    ------ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYypbzs9d44 - Method Vs Lady Vasj World Second. Mobs show health values as percentage.

    Also I have found a pvp video which was upload in 2008/September - S4

    Default Blizzard Unit Frames and it seems the priest in the video chose to see his targets Hp as numeric and percentage...

    You may use these for additional proofs...
    Edited: April 24, 2017

  5. Thank you. All of these are execellt proof that OP is wrong, as max-hp keep changing whenever the NPCs take damage.
    The last video is especially great proof, as nurmerical values only appear once the target has been hit and the addon collected info.

  6. Thank you. All of these are execellt proof that OP is wrong, as max-hp keep changing whenever the NPCs take damage.
    The last video is especially great proof, as nurmerical values only appear once the target has been hit and the addon collected info.
    So what will you say about Pitbull/shadowedunit frames addon which were showing in numeric numbers as back that day? I try to use them now. I have tried Suf, Pitbull, Xperl. None of them show the health value. But in World first Kiljaeden videos without using Mobinfo or Mobhealth addon (cauz the fonts are exactly belongs to suf/pitbull addons) players could see the numeric values.

    At least as a choice I would want to use addons such Suf/Pitbull (which I always use in every expansion) and could see the numbers... We at least need that...
    It's really impossible right now. I even tried to use scripts in Pitbull to see health numbers that were used back in the day for Pitbull.

    Also I can disproof your stating about 'Max Hp changing when NPC take dmg' with the video I have linked first

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf7j4IIIZrU Go to 1:19 and see Kil Jaeden's HP as full with numbers and percents just before the fight... Also if you say its a boss, there is a mob there, too which is for -- go to 2:05 ; a 20k hp mob as I can see... just before taking damage, its health value is shown already with that addon. (Its Suf)
    Edited: April 24, 2017

  7. Ok so, your proof is a line in patch notes and "Display Percentages" option ingame.

    so that means it shows either Numbers (N+N) or Percentages (% + %), how come in videos I see both (HP:N + Power:%).
    Thats because addons' feature probably. There are options to see current health values/ max health values or smart health values. So after Blizzard let players to see numbers or percentanges, addons let players to be able to see all of them together...

    I can live without numeric numbers. But the truth to be able to see in numbers with addons like Suf or Pitbull really hurts...:( Cauz those addons dont show the health values. I target myself, its 9658/9658 and I target a hostile unit or a friendly player who is not in my party, it's 100/100... The unit frames addons seem like they cant function as they should back in that day...

  8. ----- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf7j4IIIZrU - 2.3.0 Sunwell Raid. Mobs show numeric numbers on target frame. SK Gaming World's First Kill Video
    His health gets updated every time 1% of his health goes down. Again, its an addon calculating his remaining health based on the percentage of health the server sent to the client. You can see this very clearly once his HP goes below 1million.
    His health updates in steps of 127k. which is, guess what: 1% of his health.
    ----- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFa3MJCKhgU&t=263s Method Vs Kiljaeden. World Second.Here again from mage pov there are numeric numbers as health values while targeting hostile mobs and boss.
    Same thing is happening here. The health updating is not smooth at all since its bases around rounded percentage steps.
    The addon knows its total HP and uses a bit of math to calculate an estimate of the health left on the target based on the percentage of health left.
    Default Blizzard Unit Frames and it seems the priest in the video chose to see his targets Hp as numeric and percentage...
    The target's hp starts off as a percentage. You can clearly see the addon trying tog to estimate the target's HP at the start of the fight. Which is way off in the beginning. But gets more accurate as it has more damage samples to calculate with.

    Heres an example
    Target has 100% HP
    I deal 1000 Damage
    Target has 90% HP left.
    I know the target must have around 10000hp since my 1000 damage caused 10% of the health to be gone.
    Edited: April 24, 2017

  9. His health gets updated every time 1% of his health goes down. Again, its an addon calculating his remaining health based on the percentage of health the server sent to the client.
    So, whats that addon just tell us please. It seems like it is embedded in Shadow Unit Frames addon ( The font is Suf default font which is Myric Condensed Web) As my knownledge from Mobinfo and Mobhealth, Mobinfo shows the calculated health in tooltip and Mobhealth shows the calculated health above the unitframes. You can see here;

    So whats that addon that's exacly embedded in Shadow Unit Frames as if it belongs to Suf?

    Or we can look at the other side and say these unitframe addons themselves taking the information from client and show it there. I would love to have this option but I dont...

  10. I actually think you should be the one to prove me wrong here. I made a statement against each of the video's you linked.
    I dont know which addon those guys used back in 2008.

    But the fact that there is functionanity in addons that calculate the target's health based on the damage you deal and percentage of health lost tells me that this is how it was back in the day.

    Mobhealth3 does exactly this.
    It has intergration with various userinterfaces. The checkbox to enable it literally says "Estimates a mob's health".
    And this is a 2.4.3 addon.
    Edited: April 24, 2017

  11. They most likely used MobInfo in the background as that's how it behaves. Every few hits it tries to calculate the mob hp based on the damage dealt and how much % hp the mob has lost.
    Numeric values for npc were, as mentioned many times so far, added in 3.0.2. The 2.3 update only enabled this feature for players of your own group/faction

  12. You shall not be able to see Enemy Health in numeric values in TBC. However you shall be able to see numeric values of Mana, rage, Energy and Focus.
    Most TBC realms out there seems to have the option of numerical health value, I can't really see any harm in adding it here aswell for those who desire it?

  13. I don't see any harm either, but they want it to be as it was back then. They said that already.

    It's their server, their vision, and I understand that there's nothing we can do. We have to just let it be.

  14. You shall not be able to see Enemy Health in numeric values in TBC. However you shall be able to see numeric values of Mana, rage, Energy and Focus.
    Most TBC realms out there seems to have the option of numerical health value, I can't really see any harm in adding it here aswell for those who desire it?
    except that would ruin the whole point of having it % in the first place.

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