1. Best money making profession?

    I know that gathering professions (Mining, Herbalism) are great for starting of some gold making.
    Haven't played WOTLK for a few years, i wanna know and hear your opinions about professions, whitch and why are the best to get huge amounts of gold.

  2. Mining and herbalism are the only proff that can make you money. The rates and population make it that almost everyone knows someone who can craft anything for free.

    If you want to make money you got to play the auction house

  3. off topic: or you can host some ICC with the famous "BOE RES". You are guaranteed few boes at least plus you can exchange eofs for some Primordial Saronite, which you can also sell for easy profit.

  4. There is a warmane gold guide, including profession advice, posted here:


    What is described in the guide worked for me a year or two ago.

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