1. Lets save some time in Arenas

    Hello there and this gonna be long but worth reading,

    i know the TBC gonna be blizzlike bassed and so on, but... What about saving some time ?

    By saving time i mean adding a Crystal to arenas, where both team can click and short the time of waiting. I know its Customized and so on, but lets look at the numbers and have some disscusion. The Mathematic i used for everything is desscribed lower in the post, so you can check if it fits.

    If there is someone who is playing about 500 arenas per season (it might be seen as big number, but its not so big if you think about it, since the pvp players have no problem with playing 500 pvp arena matches in one month)

    And there is the 60seccond of waitting every time then we have 30 000 secconds spend in "lobby", that means 500minutes and that means 20,83 Hours in Lobby per Season.

    But if there was the Crystal button for shorting the time in Lobby, there would be 7 500secconds -> 125minutes -> 5,23Hours in Lobby per Season.

    You would litteraly Give people more time in Hours and that is something worth thinking about. Now this was all for 1 person, but lets say we are gonna talk about 500 people per Season and lets look at difference there. There is 10 415 Hours woth of Waiting, if there is no Crystal button, BUT with Crystal button = 2 615Days woth waiting in Lobby.

    So in the End you gonna save about 7 800Hours worth of time -> 325 Days. I think that is Worth. You gonna give people more Enjoyment, more time to play. Iam not gonna lie to my self, that people are gonna use that saved time, for charrity or something, but at least they gonna be able to play more.

    Mathematic i used for first -> 500arenas * 60seccond of waiting=30 000total seccond / 60 (because minutes) = 500Minutes /60 (because hours) = 20,83 Hours per Season * 500(people)=10 415 Hours / 24(days) = 433 Days
    Mathematic i used for seccond -> 500arenas* 15secconds of waiting = 7 500seccond /60 (because minutes) = 125Minutes /60(because hours)= 5,23 Hours per Season * 500(people) = 2 615Hours / 24(Days) = 108 Days

    433Days - 108Days = 325 Days Worth of time for 500 people in Totall

    I know, there is gonna be more people and not everyone is gonna play 500 Arenas per Season and i know not everyone, every time gonna click that button, But since the pop might be around 3k and even more, then the numbers might be accurate and it might be even more, then 325 Days, but those are speculations.

    So please, can the Mighty, blessed, Holy stuff think about adding this feature ? It might save a lot of time for all of us and in the end, non of us is getting any younger and its better to fight in Arena, then just to wait in Lobby.

    Have a nice day


  2. As someone who only cares about arenas I agree, just put a crystal which makes it so people CAN skip the wait time if they all decide to. I see no crime here since the only people who care could just not click the crystal and waste all the time of their life they want to.

  3. Just do it like on blackrock. Its what every server in existance has compied anyway.

  4. Same case as people wanting "dueling zones" and/or automatic cooldown resets for duels - suggested before many times, denied each time.

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