1. May 26, 2017  

    "You cant do that yet" spam when changing locations

    As the title states, Im seeing this slightly annoying thing - my screen getting spammed by the "You cant do that yet" red error message whenever I change locations AND subzones too. Also noticed it happens whenever I accept a quest.
    I assume its some addon messing my UI up, because when I disabled them all, this did not happen (surprise eh). I tried disabling Quest Helper and Cartographer, but bug still persisted and figuring which one of my 40 addons does this is kinda painful - anyone encountered same thing happening and got solution?
    screen of the spam http://imgur.com/a/UV0rQ
    Also I dont get muted while this and I dont get any global cooldown going on or sound of some buttong being pressed :S just the annoying red spam
    Edited: May 26, 2017

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