1. June 2, 2017  

    Warmane Logic

    Hi guys,

    Since most of the people posting on this forum are capped at normal dungeons/900 mmr and seem to have an education level no higher than preschool, I'd like to take a moment and point out some fallacies that even a child would be able to understand but for some reason this community and staff doesn't.

    http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=355687 - This is what happens when you criticize the mods in a completely logical manner.

    Let me explain this to you in a manner you might understand, with the same wikipedia links that you used to "support" your claim:

    "Bribery is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty... ...Gifts of money or other items of value which are otherwise available to everyone on an equivalent basis, and not for dishonest purposes, is not bribery."

    You seem to be confusing an incentive with a "bribe." So nice job being pedantic and fallacious in your thinking. Nice 'tu quoque,' which means: "You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism," since I'm sure you're not even remotely aware what a logical fallacy even is based on the nature of your arguments.

    Just to make it clear, the guy was literally quoting you verbatim and you answered with "don't put words in people's mouths." lmao.

    Then you Strawman this argument (You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack) even further and claim that it was because of "Greed." ....... ....... Are you high? Greed to what, roll horde? Since when is playing a faction you prefer more for WHATEVER ****ING REASON constitutes as greed? Do you even read what you're typing?

    Why are these childish mods answering such a glaring issue, and aren't the devs chiming in? All you're doing is blaming the players for rolling and playing horde because they prefer it.

    Let me consolidate all the trash the mods have posted regarding this issue and translate the passive-aggressive bull****:

    Obnoxious has a real nice collection of taking criticism like a child:

    "The faction lock was a starting point to keep the problem from growing further. There are more measures being planned and worked on, although they aren't on the flavor of bribing people to play on Alliance - the sort of thing I believe would be left as an ultimate last resort - but on limiting the Horde population, like with faction queues, so the main problem of the numerical advantage is attacked."

    - How the **** are you going to insinuate that what you call a "bribe," which in reality is just an incentive is immoral while FORCING the player to play alliance is a-okay with you? How can you logically justify that giving an incentive to play alliance isn't okay while at the same time just forcing them to play alliance in the firstplace? Isn't that a moot point?
    That's like chopping off a man's right leg because he's not using his left one enough. What is this going to accomplish besides grief?

    "As said more times than I'd care to have to repeat, donors skip the queue and that pushes you back. You try to login at peak time, when dozens or even hundreds of donors are coming to play, you will be pushed back dozens or even hundreds of positions, and that will keep happening as long as more donors are coming than people are logging off.

    "Don't assume that just because you are frustrated, want to play, want to pick when to play, want to pick the server you want to play, don't want to donate and don't want to wait - all at once - that you will be allowed to go slandering us without repercussion."
    -Don't assume that just because you want to play whichever race or faction you want (as you always have since the beginning of time,) even if you're a donor, that we're going to let you.

    "Yet again, no. To summarize in your terms, there are two equivalent cars that come in different color options. One of them has a turbo and nitro that 95-99% of the drivers will never use, but it's spread left and right that the turbo and nitro are a must-have, just because "top drivers" said so. People buy into that, and the more people buy into that, more other people think that must be real, since so many people are doing it - none of them questioning "what is a turbo and nitro going to do for me, really?" On top of that, people from the "top driver choice" start to go around harassing anyone who preferred the other model, making it so many give in to peer-pressure and join the ever-growing herd.

    More from Mercy:

    "Bribing people to play Alliance? I don't think greed is the route to take, I'm afraid. Greed is what caused this situation in the first place."
    "Incentives we apply, if we apply them, won't address things like mount costs. Those things are arbitrary and silly, honestly. If we're going to make custom changes, we may as well address the root of the issue: Will of the Forsaken. And by that, I mean addressing the Alliance's lack of a counterpart to it. But that will be a last resort, most likely."

    -People prefer Turbo because the car is Red and the other one is a ****ty light blue gay color with no turbo. Also, we didn't make enough gas stations or provide enough gas stations, so since everyone has to wait for gas it seems like the Red Turbo cars are much more prevalent and they're hogging the gas stations by sheer numbers. I know, lets tell new customers that want to buy it that the have to buy the Blue, turbo-less version because there are too many cars on the road and not enough gas stations. LOL?

    First of all, mounts aren't arbitrary and silly. They have an actual function in the game that makes you move faster. That's not an 'arbitrary' bonus. I'm not sure you understand what the word arbitrary even means. What IS arbitrary is, as a different member so eloquently put it: "closing the gates after the army is already inside the castle as if it's going to fix the problem." Your solution is exactly that - an arbitrary 'solution' to a problem it doesn't even remotely address.

    You want to know what caused this in the first place? It's your own lack of foresight and basic math skills:

    Blizzard realms in TBC usually averaged about 4-5k players. This is 4-5k players of different levels, at various progression points in the game. Even if you want to compare it to the example of TBC launch and the similar situation of everyone grinding Hellfire, you still wouldn't encounter the same problems. Why? Because you decided that on a 15k population server with the majority of the players moving as a swarm of similar character levels and levels of progression the respawn timers for everything should be like in retail Vanilla.

    This means that if you want to complete your quest by killing the quest mob or looting the quest object, you're likely to encounter heavy competition regardless of faction with respawn timers no shorter than 5 minutes and usually averaging about 10, going all the way up to around 15-20.

    What did you think was going to happen? So if I am Horde with a group of 4 others, and there are 3 other groups camping the quest mob/container that spawns every 15 mins or so, what do you think is going to happen to an Alliance group trying to do the quest? Do you think that the 4 horde groups are going to let each other loot it in order as well as the alliance so that they have the potential of sitting there for an hour trying to complete a quest?

    You're blaming the players for your own oversights. Why would you not shorten the spawn timers on quest mobs/containers in the first place? That would solve this issue almost entirely.

    How the **** do you have the nerve to blame this on the players for making a choice they had since the beginning of this game. It's actually the first choice you make in this stupid game - which faction to be. You're literally punishing people for playing something they like to play and sitting back and claiming that this is the middle ground therefore it's moral/logical. GUESS WHAT ELSE IS A LOGICAL FALLACY? OH YEAH, YOU GUESSED IT: The Middle Ground Fallacy "You claimed that a compromise, or middle point, between two extremes must be the truth."

    "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc" - After this, therefore because of this - Correlation does not imply causation.

    You're implying that the problems on this server are caused by a Horde overpopulation. Looking at the numbers it seems the pop is roughly 2:1 Horde to Alliance, which is actually not bad at all in comparison to most private servers and some of the most populated Retail realms (even historically).

    You're also saying that Horde racials are breaking the game and that's why people are rolling horde, which in turn is breaking the game further. I guess your mongoloid respawn timers can't be the issue at all, they're perfect! I could watch a neanderthal evolve into a white collar working man over the course of 250 thousand years and still only be a witness to 3 respawns of the quest item I need.

    I guess you also think that as ice cream sales go up, more people drown therefore ice cream increases the chance of drowning, don't you?


    Logical Fallacy 101 For Dummies.

    Quest mob/container respawns are cancer. Major oversight, didn't hotfix or patch, and now apparently it's all Horde fault because 2:1 ratio. Time to close Horde because the respawn timers are gay. #logic

    I bet the Mods play alliance and had a hard time questing after coming back from Legion.
    Edited: June 2, 2017

  2. June 2, 2017  
    What was the point of even typing all this out? Just to call out the mods?

    Honestly just a waste of time on your part.
    Edited: June 2, 2017

  3. June 2, 2017  
    Since most of the people posting on this forum are capped at normal dungeons/900 mmr and seem to have an education level no higher than preschool
    You talk about fallacy and the 2nd sentence of your entire bull**** is a fallacy. It is called "Generalization" you ****ing moron.

    I didn't even read any of your ****s because your 2nd sentence already proves that I don't need to read any of them.

    What Mercy meant is this ;

    "There is no need for us to force/promote players to play certain faction. Warmane simply wants people to play whatever factions they want to play. There is no need to give incentives of any kind."

    In the article the guy says that the faction imbalance was caused by poor preparation on Warmane's side. I don't understand. Warmane staffs simply don't have the power to see the future and predict that "Oh there is going to be faction imbalance". Sure, Horde has stronger racials on TBC but that doesn't 100% guarantee that the factions will be imbalanced even before the server launches.

    Looks like the one with 900 mmr / capped at normal dungeons / no higher than preschool education is you, not us. Go back to /r/wowservers ****er.

    Bai. What a ****ing muppet.

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