1. June 4, 2017  

    Quest Bugs?

    Hi All,
    I'm a newtime Warmane player, and I have heard people talk about quest bugs in some of the other servers. Is this a particularly widespread problem? Particularly in the Cataclysm version of the 1-60 zones? A big part of why I want to play Cata is because of the newer Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, but if they are horribly bugged I might stick to WotLK.

  2. June 4, 2017  
    It's not that bad at all. You can still easily level by only questing. Some quests bug but it's not ruining the leveling experience.

  3. June 4, 2017  
    Questing overall is okay, the 80-85 zones (Except for Hyjal last time I leveled) are the worst.
    However, it would be great if some quest development went in to all zones, including the revamped old zones. I believe alot more players will stay when the early zones get fixed up a little more.

  4. June 4, 2017  
    deepholm, hyjal and up to some point tol'vir works really well and i recommend you trying those out.

    lower level zones are different, some work really well some are quite a mess...

    really well working zones: feralas, un'goro crater, dustwallow marsh, sillithus, felwood, ghostlands, blasted lands, hinterlands, arathi highlands, swamp of sorrows, for tbc most notables ones are zangarmarsh(stuff works REALLY well there), nagrand and terokkar forest. and if we would look at wotlk i recommend going to borean tundra ->dragonblight->sholazar basin(if needed).

    zones to avoid: thousand needless, stonetalon mountains, azshara, both of stranglethorn valleys, eastern plaguelands, for tbc get away from blades edge, wotlk used to be great but now howling fjord, storm peaks and icecrown should be avoided. (i am not saying all the quests in these zones are messy, but there are better choices at the same level.)

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