1. June 4, 2017  

    Arena as ret paladin

    The mana regen is a problem in long arenas as ret paladín PvP?, also wich are the combos with ret pally , i know with resto, nothing more else?? Maybe dp? How harder to a pally is to beat a healer without healing reduction skills?

  2. June 4, 2017  
    Judge seal of wisdom and pray you aren't playing against a priest. Can 2v2 with any class, shamans are your best friends though.

  3. June 4, 2017  
    most ret paladins in 2s duo with a dps, like warlock. or mage. for insta bursts. at least on live thats how it was. ret paladins are not meant for long duration arena's just not built for it.

    combo is - pre judge seal of justice,

    then judge soc, crusader strike - when they are stun/incap, then follow up with repentence and repeat, then partner stun/incap them and repeat, if they dont die in this duration you are going to lose the mana war.

    p.s. ret paladin is bad, stop.

    edit: and when i say they are bad, a warrior will out do your dps, and sustain dps, and will generally perform better with a heal partner if you dont duo 2s with a dps.
    your best 2s partner is lock, shadow priest, or mage as ret paladin. but if you do not dumpster them in the your stun/incap duration you will more than likely lose if they arent daft.
    Edited: June 4, 2017

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