1. June 7, 2017  

    Where do people look for arena partners?

    I occasionally see someone looking for an arena partner on global chat, but usually that's people looking for pve groups. Where do people look for a casual 2s partner to cap with?

  2. June 7, 2017  
    Global/duel zones/battlegrounds/pvp guilds/friends

  3. June 8, 2017  
    If you just want to play 10 games for the points you can easily find someone in global chat. I have a similar question, where do people find decent players for 2v2?? finding someone to play 10 arenas is easy, but if you want to try to get some rating, I find it impossible! 99% of the time I find some pve geared guy, or someone who has no idea how to pvp, or someone who has some idea but is low geared... from time to time I find some decent geared/skilled players, but they normally just want 10 games for the points so I play one week with them and I don't see them anymore... I wonder if every pvp player in this server is already in a pvp guild and they just form teams among them...

  4. June 8, 2017  
    PvP guild or forums is where you can find a decent partner to play with.
    Global is just too random.

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