1. June 8, 2017  

    Survival hunter!!!

    Are Survival hunters any good on 3.3.5? I started troll hunter, mm is so basic and common, so I wanna try something more 'exotic' 😁 are suv viable in pvp? Im interested in world pvp,duels and bg! Maybe 2s, but later. Talking about icecrown btw. Thanks guys!

  2. Hi MM it's the strongest spec. I tried some duels with my Survival spec vs MM Hunters and I lost great part of the duels cuz u don't have the damage that MM have and u don't have readniess (or something like that) wich is fundamental.

    Yeah it's fun I love the explosions sound but like I said ur damage is low. In my opinion it's not viable, low damage, u don't have burst damage (only with explosion shot proc), lack of defensive abilities (less than MM) and sometimes things go wrong for example with ur traps and u will lose damage and control of the situation.

    That's my opinion...but u should try urself ;)
    Edited: June 10, 2017

  3. SV can hit pretty hard in BGs but not as hard as MM.
    Imo the explosion shot ticks should stack. Would make SV more bursty and more viable for arena.

  4. Survival is still pretty viable for world pvp and bgs just get a crab pet and alot of wf gear + deaths choice/veredict and you are set.

  5. Want exotic?
    Go beast mastery pls so op and fun ;)
    You will be 2v1 always BM pets are on steroids lol

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