1. Kara gear requirements

    Sup *****es,

    just wondering if people have any recommendations on min gear requirements for Kara.. been so long since the retail version of TBC and am not hardcore enough to have grinded the gear out as quick as some people on this server. any guidance on min gear requirements or if people are that sad to be using gearscore/pawn on this server then what rating would you say? p.s. im a warlock.

  2. Just download Atlasloot Corecraft here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5kBxm9j1f0

    Here u can find preraid bis gear, mainly from quests.

  3. Gearscore isn't widely used, while some plebs are using it the addon has thankfully not infected the server. Not sure what you mean by pawn though, it's an addon where you use custom stat weights to help you quickly evaluate item strength, extremely useful for item comparison but not used for groups. As for Karazhan, a few dungeon items and some quality questing blues/greens from Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley and Blades Edge will do it.

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