1. New to warmane old to wow. looking for a group of cool players to play with

    just joined the server yesterday. ive been playing wow since the release. never played cataclysm WoD or legion yet. very good player. played on vanilla gaming for a couple years and ran one of the guilds to clear naxxramas. would prefer north american players just for practicality and no language barriers but im open to play with anyone if our hours lineup and we both speak english. im looking to level up a shaman and a warrior on outland server. names are RALAKHAN and JANGROKH. also im wondering how well populated the server is and how well it is scripted.

  2. Welcome to Warmane!

    Outland is our most populated server, you can see the number on the info page. I'm sure you can find some feedback about script quality in the Outland realm section. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me.

    Have fun and enjoy your stay :)

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