1. Character Trade

    Hi. I have put to sell my character in the market but did not know that it was temporarily disabled. How can I cancel the sale?
    When put on sale it puts a message that says: "You can not cancel the sale less than 24 hours after the character has been put up for sale"
    But I do not find any option that lets me cancel it.

  2. you have to wait 24 hours from when you put it on the market to take it off.

  3. you have to wait 24 hours from when you put it on the market to take it off.
    I know they have to spend 24 hours. My problem is that time has passed but I do not find the option to cancel the sale.

  4. Same problem here, i dont know how to cancel it and i can't recieve my character on my account again, anyone can help us?. Thanks.

  5. i got a problem like this, "Must agree before proceeding."


    dont see any checkbox to "agree"

  6. Same Problem. can´t cancel trade.

    "must agree before proceeding"
    Edited: July 15, 2017

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