1. UI macros

    not sure if it was the right place to ask this, but anyway here it is:
    im using macros to move my UI frames, like this one:

    /run PlayerFrame:ClearAllPoints() PlayerFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 515, -600)

    no big deal, but when i try to do the same with the BuffFrame, i can only move it vertically. I didn't find any way to move it horizontally for some reason.
    I really don't want to get an UI addon just because i can't move this goddamn frame.

    Anybody can help with that?

    edit: wrote a lua with:

    BuffFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "TemporaryEnchantFrame", "TOPLEFT", -50, 50)
    BuffFrame.SetPoint = function() end

    and it's working. But now i got another problem: the debuff frame doesnt move, i don't know how to use it. DebuffFrame isn't working. Although it doesnt move, it does take the BuffFrame:SetScale() into consideration
    Edited: June 13, 2017

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